chapter 11

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Hello guys. First of all I hope everyone is safe and is well. I know at this time we are all bored and kind of scared because of coronavirus but hopefully it will be over soon and we can all leave our homes soon. For me I love in london so yeah it is pretty bad here but I am safe but  I actually miss college and my friends and lockdown is just the worst.
But back to my story which I know I haven't updated in a while as usual but I was busy trying to do my cource work. But I thought that I should take a well deserved brake and update this story. So here it is 😁

It was Monday morning and i was looking into the mirror, brushing my hair getting rid of the little knots. 

"Hey you ready to go," Ruff said coming into the room

"yeah lemme just do a braid and we will go" I replied

"you know you should leave your hair out, it so pretty," she said putting my hair at the back "see... absolutely gorgeous," she said  staring at the mirror smiling "don't you think?" 

"it's ok, I guess... ok i will leave it out today, but only today" 

"Cool. Oh and remember after school  me and tuff are being forced to vista our scary aunt for two hours so I wont be walking home with you unless you want to come too"

"Nah I I'm ok she kind of scares me" i say smiling "i will just come back here and studie, come on then lets go"


We got to school and went to our first class which was maths we walked in and sat at our seats and started working when the teacher came in. After maths was science which we had a test in, then we all had a half an hour brake which me and the gang sat at our usual bench and talked about what how we answered the questions in the test, while we all shared some snacks. Although Hiccup didn't really say anything. He looked really distracted.

"You ok Hiccup" I asked him concerned

"Hmmm... oh yeah I'm ok" he said looking up from his pen that he was playing with. He gave me a small smile

Once the bell rang again we all went back to our classes. I had to quickly get my book out of my locker for my next class so I quickly went to my locker to get it. When I got it into my bag I got a bit of a shock when hiccup came behind me saying my name

"Hey Astrid"

"Oh God hiccup... you scared me" I said a bit relived that it was him

"Oh sorry I...I  didn't mean too" I said looking a bit shy

"Oh it's fine, you ok, do you need something"

"Nno I was just wondering if..."

"Yes? " I asked

" I was just wondering if you wanted to..."

"Mrs Hofferson, Mr Haddock shouldn't you two be in class right now" one of the teachers  cut him off

"Oh right sorry sir were going" I told him

" come on we better get to class" I told Hiccup. We started walking to class " what was you wanted to ask me? " I asked him

" oh never mind, it doesn't really matter" he said looking a bit disappointed but I didn't ask again

After school has finished

"See you back home Ast" ruff said giving me a hug

"See you later" I said waving at her and tuff then started to walk home

"Hey Astrid, wait up" I hear a voice calling my name but I know exactly who it is. I turn around and see Hiccup catching up to me

"Oh hey Hiccup, what's up," I say to him who's checks started to go slightly pink and he was looking a bit shy again . 

"Ummm well..." he started but stopped 

"Are you ok, you look a bit... pale"

" oh yeah I'm fine just wondering if you wanted to walk home together"

"Oh yeah sure I would love too" I said smiling at him

We walked all the way back together talking about our interests. I really enjoyed his company  he was just so funny and sweet.
We finally reached mine and we stood right outside the gate.

"Well this is me" I told him smiling" thanks for walking home with me"

"Oh right, well I guess I will see you tomorrow"

"Guess so... good bye" I said waving to him and then started entering the gate walking towards the door. I was just about to put the key in the door when I heard him call my name again.

"Yes" I replied walking back to him

"Emm well...  I was just wondering if you are free this Saturday then maybe you would want to go out with me... you don't have to I was just wondering." He said sounding shy as he put his hand at the back of his head.

I was so shocked by the question I didn't know what to say. I just couldn't believe that this was happening. It was so unexpected and I didn't think he would want to go out with someone like me.

"you want to go out with me?" I ask really nervous

"yeah... I really like you, like a lot" he said blushing still rubbing the back of his head " your the most amazing person I have ever met and I have wanted to ask you for awhile I just didn't know how or when the right time was.

" I would love too" I replied. I could feel my checks going red and tried so hard to hide them

"Really," he said excitedly. "Great I will pick you up at 12:00 "

"ok," I said smiling watching him leave. I ran inside as fast as I could so I could Express myself freely without embarrassing myself .

Well here it is I know it's a bit shorter than usual but its wht i could think of right know coz to be honest i am making this up as I go along. 😂😊😁 but I hope you like it and it is good enough.
again I hope everyone is safe during this time and hopefully I will update again soon
Love Asloveshttyd 😁

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