Chapter 3

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Hey who missed  me probably no one, sorry I have been off wattpad for a while but I'm back now. 


I get back to my apartment and everything is really quiet which means no ones home. There probably at the bar again. I head to my room to drop of my stuff and then I go to take a shower before going to work at the cafe. I didn't mind working there, the staff are nice but it does take away my time from other things like hanging out with my friends or more importantly studding for school. But I don't have a choice, since my mum refuses to find work I have to. There are so many things that need to be payed for like rent, electricity and of course food which is why I do it.

After my shower I get changed into some jeans and a plain white top and head out to the café.


After work (coz I have nothing)

I get back to the apartment and make my way up the stairs  to my floor and open the door and find my mum and jeff (that's his name) on the sofa watching TV 

"so are there any dinner plans happening" I say

"if your hungry I give you £20 and you can get us a pizza " my mum says to me

"good idea, why don't you get me another beer before  you go " he snarls at me

"why don't you get it your self, besides don't you think you've had enough"

"Don't you dare talk to me like that, how many times do I have to tell you that you do what ever I say when I say. Do you understand" he shouts while standing up and walking towards me right at my face and the stench alcohol enter my nose straight away.

"ill talk to you how ever I want, your not in charge of me" i say back

"yes I am"  he says grabbing my wrist as tightly as possible almost braking it

"what the hell, let me go" I raise my voice while trying to struggle out of his grip.

"why don't you make me, oh wait you can't because you are just a weak worthless human who will never be anything in life" then he pushes me hard to the floor causing my head to hit against it. "now do as I tell you go get me a beer and then go get your mother and me a pizza or else next time I will brake that hand of yours"

i go to the kitchen and get a beer for him, then run out the door and down the stairs to bye a pizza trying not to cry from the pain in my wrist. I think it might be sprained but there's not much I can do right now. i hate him so much all he ever does is beat me or hurt me and the fact that all my mum does is just sit there watching him hurt me, hurt's more. it's like she doesn't even care about me anymore although to be honest it seems like it's been like that for years. 

I get home and leave the pizza on the little table in front of him  

"Good, now go away, you don't deserve any" he  scowled at me. I speed walk to my room and lock the door And I do some homework and eventually went to bed hungry but thats Nothing new.


Next day 

In history and we are writing a long essay, but my wrist hurts so much when I move it which makes  it hard to write. I can tell that my handwriting is all wonky 

"What's wrong with you hand" Ruff asks me sounding worried 

"Nothing" I lie but she gives me the don't lie to me face "sigh it's just him being drunk again"

"Who your step dad" she asks

"He is not my step dad he is nothing to me" i say 

"Then why don't you tell someone"

"I can't do that"

"Why not" 

"I just can't, ok"

"Please Astrid i don't want you to keep getting hurt I mean this has been going on for a long time"

"don't worry ruff you'll be the first person i'll tell if something really bad happens. i promise" 

bell rings 

" i am gonna put some of my books away i'll catch up"

I was at my locker putting some books away when Heather and violet showed up.

"what you doing loser" she says me

"what do you want heather " i say annoyed 

"I want you to stay away from hiccup"

"what" I say confused

"you heard me i saw you looking at him so stay away from him don't even look at him your not worthy enough"

"since when do you have the right to tell me who i can or can't talk to" 

"i can do what ever i want to you and you can't do anything about it, because you are a loser"

"you know what heather you can say what ever shit you want to me, i don't care anymore. i'm tired of all of your threats and insults. I'm tired that you think you can just treat me and everyone else how ever you want just because you think your better then everyone else. Well guess what your not. Your just a spoiled brat who want's attention. i can't believe i let you treat me like this for years. i mean seriously what did i ever do to you to make you hate me. And why do you think you better than everyone else"

She just stands there not saying a word.

"Well" i say waiting for a response

"I don't need to answer to you, come on vi lets go" she says and walks off

sorry it's short but it's all I've got right now mostly coz i am useless and i have no good ideas, i mean i have a few but that not gonna happen until later in the story. 

bye for now 

Love you all :-)

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