chapter 13

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Hello guys. Hope you are all well. So here is the next chapter for this story but before you read it I just want to say that I am really bad at writing date stuff  probably coz I am not into that kind of stuff, which kinds of questions why I am writing this 😂😂😂 so this chapter might be a bit crap but I hope you enjoy reading it

Astrid POV

Saturday finally arrived Ruff was helping me get ready for my first date with Hiccup. I was so nervous but at the saw time I was excited. Me and ruff bought this really cute outfit. It was some dark blue jeans with this black floral long top and a short beige coat whith some black boots

"Hey girl, you ready?" Ruff asks me while I was brushing my hair.

"Oh hey, yeah I think so" i say looking at the mirror

" you look great" she says standing behind me  "you gonna leave your hair down?" She asked me

"Yeah i think so, or do you think I should do a braid?"

"Hmmm I think you should leave it down with one single braid on the side" she says braiding a bit of my hair. " there! What do you think?" She asks me

I look into the mirror and smile " I love it, thanks" I say smiling just then the door bell rings 

" he's here" ruff said excited " you ready?" She asked me

I nod "yeah I will see you later " I say trying not to look nervous as I walk down the stairs towards the door. I open it up and there was Hiccup on the other side with a single rose in his hand. He was wearing some Jean's a black jumper and a brown coat.

" hey Astrid, you look beautiful" he said which made me blush

"Thanks, you look great too" I say trying to stop my blushing

" here I got you this rose" he said " if I may?" He asked and I nod as he put the rose in my hair " shall we go" he asked offering his hand. I nod and close the door behind me and take his hand and we start to walk.

" so where are we going" I ask him

"Well I thought that we might go to the Diner and then later a walk in the park.

"Ok sound fun" I say as we were walking.

When we sit down at a table and wait for someone to take our order.

" do you know what you  guys  want?" The waiter asked us

" emmmm I'm not sure, what are you gonna get?" I asked Hiccup

" some chips and a strawberry milkshake" he replied

" hmmm that's an interesting combination" I say smirking " I'll have the same but I make mine a vanilla milkshake." I say as the waiter writes it down and then  goes to get them.

We wait about 5 minutes and then he brings our food and drinks to the table

"Can I ask you a question" I say quietly

"Of cource" he replied with a smile

"Why would you ask someone like me on a date?" I asked him but he looked confused

"what do you mean someone like you?"

" I'm nothing special. I'm not popular or famous like you, I'm not special or cool. I'm just nothing important."

"Is that really how you see yourself? " he asked me to which I nod " well i see you as this amazing, incredibly smart, beautiful and kind girl who I like a lot" he says smiling

" really?" I ask

"Yes, you are the most incredible person I have ever met and I really like you. Like a lot" he says sliding his hand across the table onto my hand.

" I think that your  incredible too and I really like you too." I say smiling looking into his forest green eyes.

We continue eating our chips and drinking our drinks and talking about eachother,and when we finish our food we decided to go for a walk in the forest. It was always my favorite place to go as a kid. Especially with my dad every weekend. Although I dont go as much anymore.

It was about a 10 minute walk till we got there we started to walk around the forest talking about each other.  I thought about how this place was always good for kids as there is a small playground f them. I remember when I was a kid I would always play here with ruff and the others. It was so much fun. After a long walk we went by the lake to see the ducks. We sat down on a bench right in front of the pond. We sat there and just looking at the beautiful scenery.

"You OK Astrid?"

"Huh" I say

"You seem distracted. Your smiling but it looks like a sad smile"

"Oh yeah, I was just thinking about this place, me and my dad used to come here every weekend when I was a kid. It was always my favourite place to go" I say looking at him

" it is beautiful" he says smiling " must have been fun"

I chuckle a bit " yeah, it was. Fun. It was definitely a simpler time" I say smiling looking out into the lake. I could feel hiccup put his arm round me giving me a comforting  hug. Being in his arms made me feel warm and safe as if nothing bad was ever going to happen. I lean my head on his shoulder and thinking how i wished this moment right now would never end. We sat there for quite a while just talking not realising the time. It was pracpractically sunset, and we could see the sunset on the pond.

"Wow its incredible" I say

" its beautiful, like you" he says smiling at me which I smile back "Time to go home?" He asked me

" yeah, it's getting pretty late" I reply taking his hand as we walk back to mine. By the time we got home it was kind of dark

"Thank you Hiccup for walking me home, and for an amazing date, had a great time" I say

"I had an amazing day too" he said smiling

" are you going to be ok walking home?" I ask looking worried

"Oh yeah I will be fine don't worry about me I can call my dad to send someone to pick me up if it gets to late"

" ok be safe, I'll see you at school" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek

" yeah see you... you soon" he says waving as I make my way to the door.

I entered the door and closed it behind me smiling at the best day I have had in a long time. I made my way to the dinningroom where I found both ruff, tuff standing behind their parents at the table and on the other side of the table was two police men. Everyone stares at me looking worried and and my smile just wiped away.

Well that is the next chapter done. Over 1000 words. Yay.  I hope you enjoyed it and hopefully I will write the next chapter soon. Bye for now
Asloveshttyd 😉

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