chapter 12

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Hello again I am here again to write the next part much faster than last time so here it is and I hope you like it

Astrid pov

I ran up to my room and shut the door behind me, unable to wipe the smile of my face. I looked into the mirror and i could see that my checks were bright red. I tried to calm down processing what had just happened. I just couldn't believe it. The most popular boy in school not to mention who he was had just asked me...of all people out.
I kept asking myself why he would though. I mean I am nothing special. I'm not cool, pretty,

"Hey Astrid, what you up too?" Ruff say entering the room

"Oh hey ruff, I am just finishing up on this assignment how was visiting your aunt's"

" so much fun" she says sarcastically which laugh too " hey so I was thinking we should go out on Saturday to

"Actually I can't do Saturday" I tell her

"What?, why not?"

" Hiccup asked me out on a date" I say quitly"

"What?" She says excited " that's amazing, I told you he likes you. " she says smiling I dont say anything. I just sit their smiling. But it's a sad smile.  "Hey what's wrong" she asks me putting her hand on my shoulder "this is good news. Isn't it?"

"What if it turns out to be a disaster?, what if I  don't know how to act?, what if I mess up the whole thing and he ends up hating me?

"What If the sky turns to fire?" Ruff says

"What?" I say confused

"I think your over thinking this just a bit" Ruff says cutting me off.

"But ruff I'm not like those other girls he's dated. I'm not rich, I'm not popular, famous or special or anything"

"You know none of those things really matter, I bet he likes you because you are a beautiful, intelligent, honest girl among so many other things. Trust me everything will be fine." She says smiling the biggest smile

"Thanks Ruff" I say

"Know what are you going to wear?" She asked me

"I have no idea" I answer " I dont even know where we are going. OMG what if i wear something really casual and we end up going to some big fancy restaurant or what if I wear something really fancy and we just go somewhere non fancy" I start to panic

"Well the most important thing is you wear what you want to. It doesn't matter where you go, just wear what you want" she tells me

"Really?" I ask

"Absolutely. What the point going out with someone if they dont like you for you. I'm sure hiccup will love what ever you wear"

"Thanks Ruff"

"Its what I do" she says smirking "tell you what do you wanna go shopping tomorrow to get an outfit?, it's been ages since we did some shopping." She asks

"Sure why not" I reply

"Great coz I need some new shoes" she says smiling

(Next day after school at Hiccups house)

No ones pov

It was Tuesday afternoon and I was with the guys at my house playing video games.

"Oh come on. I cant belive I lost again" snotlout exclaimed

"Let's face it you will never beat the master" Tuff says putting the controller again

" oh please you just got lucky" snotlout said

"Yeah coz it had nothing to do with the fact that you suck" fishlegs sad smirking

"Shut up fishlegs" snotlout muttering

" ok how about we play again just to make sure that it isn't luck" fishlegs says

"Your on" snotlout says grabbing his controller "Tuff?"

"Oh yeah let's do it, what about you Hiccup?... HICCUP" Tuffnut said nudging Hiccup in the shoulder

Hiccup pov

"Huh" I say snapping out of my day dream

"We said you ready to go another round" snotlout said

"Oh right, em yeah sure" I say

"What's up?" fishlegs asked me

"Nothing" I reply

"Come on tell"

"Ok... I asked Astrid out on a date and I am thinking about where to take her" I say

"Oh right yeah the girls told me" Tuff said

"What you knew and didn't tell us" snotlout said surprised

" I dont have to tell" tuff said

"Anyway" fishlegs cuts in "just take her to a simple Diner. Astrid is more of the simple things"

"Yeah and after you could go out for a walk" Tuff says

"Thanks guys. That helps a lot"

"Yeah yeah ok enough talk about girls can we get back to the game now" snotlout said annoyed

"Ok snotlout prepare to go down" tuff exclames

Well here it is sorry it's one day late. I spent most of yesterday hanging out with my friend coz I hadn't seen her since the quarantine started and I missed her so much. We also ended up going to college again for 2 hours which was fun but we had to keep our distance which was kind of hard.
But anyway I hope you liked this chapter i kind of rushed it so plz let me know what you think
Bye for now

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