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Ooof, I've risen from MMD and UTAU hell to write this damn chapter

Okay but like, why is almost all hentai rape and/or incest, like come on gimme the good c o n s e n s u a l s h i t. Anyways, this chapter is about incest as a whole.

I get the technical reasoning as to why its popular, two people who have a strong emotional bond will have a strong sexual bond, but like the majority of people writing incest don't even know this shit. Plus I don't get it personally, like I don't wanna fuck my damn siblings, they're nasty as fuck. But like most of the incest I see is written by dumb tweens on wattpad.

Most incest fics aren't really that good in my opinion, like most of the time they are written atrociously. And a lot of them get so much attention but the good shit on the sites are overlooked for this piece of garbage.

Like I don't mind this shit if it's all for shits and giggles, but I absolutely hate it when the "super serious" bullshit is treated like a magnum opus. For fucks sake this world is doomed.

OOooF soz fam for this being short, I figured this would've been a page or something like that, but nope! Once I start to type, my ideas disappear into thin fucking air. I'm still out of ideas for this book too. I wanna write something it's just that once I do, I don't want to look at it again. I might try oneshots, but I'm not too sure yet.

Again, sorry with this short as shit chapter, I wanted to write this down before I would forget all my ideas. I love everyone who stuck with this shitty book for as long as they had.

Oh ye, if this atrocity gets like 200 hearts or some shit, I may do some face reveal or like some live q&a if yall wanna hear my cringy ass voice. I'm pretty excited to get to this milestone since I never had any book get this much attention, and it makes me so happy with myself!

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