Dog park(Sterek)

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Derek walked through the park with Jessa on his heels. The sheltie had never needed a leash, Derek had trained her from a puppy to walk beside him without one.

He often came to the park with Jessa. She enjoyed their walks and he enjoyed the silence. It wasn't a very busy park, he was usually only one three people. There was no playground, he avoided those. He much preferred the quiet calm. 

Derek was the shy quiet type and honestly not good with talking to people. Derek had originally just walked Jessa in the woods but when she got a burr embedded in her paw and had to have it removed at the vet, Dr. Deaton had suggested walking somewhere with more level ground. Derek had scoped out a few parks before settling on the quiet running trail that circled a picnic area, also known as 'Runners Field' it wasn't inventive as park names went but he didn't care and Jessa didn't seem to either.

Suddenly a guy that was sitting at a nearby table jumped to his feet and rushed towards Derek.

"Dog," The guy practically shouted as he beelined for Jessa.

"Oh my god, he's so fluffy, can I pet him?" The guy asked barely containing himself.

"Uh, sure," Derek nodded. No one had ever approached him like that before.

"What's his name?"

"Her name is Jessa," Derek answered. He couldn't blame the guy for not knowing, she wore a simple black collar, that didn't exactly scream female.

"Oh, of course it's a girl, look how pretty she is, yes she is, she's a good girl," He spoke to Jessa in a voice you used on cute babies. He scratched behind her ear, which she loved, before looking up at Derek with an extended hand, "Sorry, I'm Stiles, I saw her and got excited."

"Derek," Derek responded shaking the guy's hand.

"She's beautiful and so well trained, you must be like some master trainer," Stiles gushed as he continued hugging and loving on Jessa.

"Oh, uh, no, I just, uh, thanks," Derek responded awkwardly. This guy was cute and Jessa really seemed to like him, it threw Derek off a bit. Jessa was friendly but she seemed excited that Stiles was loving on her.

"I've never seen you here before," Stiles commented.

"I've only been bringing her for a few weeks," Derek shrugged.

"Weeks? I'm here almost every day, it's like my office away from office, how have I  not seen you?" Stiles gestured to his abandoned table.

"Office away from office?" Derek frowned at the papers covering the picnic table.

"I'm an editor," Stiles explained, now rubbing Jessa's belly.

"I don't normally come here this early, I usually walk her after work, around five, but I got off early today," Derek answered with a shrug.

"Guess I'll have to start working later in the day," Stiles winked.

And he did. Every day for a several weeks Stiles made sure to be at the park when Derek walked Jessa. She seemed to really like Stiles and if Derek was being honest, he did too.

(Request for CarterRogers02, hope it's okay)

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