Trick date(Sabriel)

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(Based loosely on the picture above)

Sam walked into the kitchen of the bunker only to stop short. Standing at the stove was Gabriel.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked glancing around for Dean or Cas.

"Cooking dinner. Dean and Cas went on a quick hunt a few towns away, they'll be back tomorrow," Gabriel said noticing Sam's glance.

"Why didn't they wake me?" Sam asked with a frown.

"You were asleep, and Dean and Cas said they had it covered. Dean assumed it was just a couple of ghouls," Gabriel explained as he turned off the stove.

"Why are you cooking?" Sam asked narrowing his eyes.

"I was bored, and I like food, do I need a reason?" Gabriel rolled his eyes.

Sam didn't respond as he took a seat at the table.

"Do me a favor, try this, you're taste buds are better than mine, what with you being human," Gabriel walked over with a spoonful of a white sauce of some sort.

Sam opened his mouth allowing Gabriel to spoon the sauce in.

"Mmm," Sam nodded, "That's amazing,"

Gabriel's eyes lit up.

"Here try this," Gabriel went back to the stove getting a spoonful of what looked to be potatoes of some sort.

Sam took the food in his mouth, again letting out a satisfied moan, "That's so good."

Gabriel beamed. Not only was he thrilled Sam liked his cooking, but he was loving the sounds Sam was making.

"Here," Gabriel made up two plates of his cooking, setting one in front of Sam, "I made plenty."

Sam looked down to see baked chicken with the white sauce he'd tried poured over the top with a side of the potato dish and asparagus.

"It looks, great," Sam smiled down. He didn't realize how hungry he'd been until Gabriel had started feeding him.

Gabriel took a seat across from Sam, pushing a wine glass towards the hunter, "I bought a new wine today, it's pretty great, try it," Gabriel urged.

Sam took a sip of the dark red liquid, "I'm not normally a fan of wine, but this is pretty good," Sam nodded setting the glass down.

Gabriel smiled.

Sam paused suddenly, "Gabriel," The hunter looked at the angel across from him.

"Yes, Sam?" Gabriel asked around a bite of chicken.

"Did you do this on purpose?" Sam asked gesturing between them.

"Whatever do you mean?" Gabriel asked feigning innocents.

"I mean, you've been trying to convince me to go on a date with you for weeks, and now all of a sudden you're cooking dinner on a night when Dean and Cas are gone," Sam explained.

"That's what I call a happy coincidence," Gabriel winked.

Sam glared at the angel.

"You better be glad I'm hungry and this is delicious," Sam huffed.

"Will one date really kill you?" Gabriel asked looking at Sam seriously.

Sam narrowed his eyes but didn't respond.

"I even made dessert," Gabriel pointed at the oven, where the timer was counting down.

"What is it?" Sam asked curiously.

"Lemon squares," Gabriel smiled.

Sam narrowed his eyes again. Those were his favorite. But how did Gabriel know that?

"Have you been talking to Dean?" Sam demanded.

"I may have asked what your favorite vegetable was and also your favorite dessert, I wanted to make you liked what I made," Gabriel shrugged taking another bite of chicken.

Sam glanced down and realized that Gabriel had in fact included his favorite vegetable, asparagus. Sam was surprised Gabriel went through so much trouble to make sure he liked dinner.

"You do like it, don't you?" Gabriel asked looking at Sam hopefully.

"Yes, thank you," Sam said quietly.

Gabriel beamed once again, all he wanted to do was please Sam and it seemed like he had. Maybe he was winning the hunter over finally.

Sam glanced up at the pleased angel. He wanted to be mad at him for tricking him into what was technically a date, but he'd be lying if he said it wasn't clever and he felt a little special. And if it won Gabriel a few brownie points, well, he didn't need to know about it.

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