Chapter 4: The Phone Call

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I turn to see a very angry looking Shane. Oops. My eyes trail to behind him where about 10 guys stand in a fighting stance.

"We are." Smelly man pulls me back until my back hit his chest and puts a hand over my neck.

"Ooh what's a ha- Oh my gosh." Before I know it long sharp nails are emerging from the mans hands."Um Shane, I could really use your help right now." I smile weakly at him.

"Nah, have fun with her." I stare at Shane as if he has grown two heads as he begins to turn around."Just kidding, now give her back to me or die." He quickly turns back around and his voice sounds... more deep, like, how do I explain this? Pretty much like a freaking demon. 

"You dare to threaten me? Even though I could kill your precious mate in any second." Smelly man chuckles and presses his claws deeper into my skin. 

"Cassie. Close your eyes."


"I said close them god damn it." I do as told and close my eyes. The man is ripped away from me his claws cut my skin slightly, the forest is filled with growls and snarls. Then everything became silent.  I slowly opened my eyes to see a huge black wolf in front of me, startled I jumped backwards landing on something rough yet soft. I look down to see a dead man... The same one that tried to kill me, I scream in shock and jump off him.

"What the freak?!" I look around me to see that I am surrounded by wolves?"Look, just saying I don't taste very good. As a matter of fact I taste horrible considering I'm about to start my period." I try backing away but fail miserably as I just bumped into the black one that was staring at me not too long ago. The next thing I know the huge wolf infront of me turns into Shane, not only that but he's naked. Oh my gosh that 6 pack though. No snap out of it Cassie he was just a wolf. Shane goes behind a tree and comes out with some shorts on.

"Look Cassie I can explain things once we get to the house." I hesitantly nod and walk beside him to the house.




 Once we were at the house Shane dismissed all the guys that were with us and we entered his room (Thank god it doesn't smell as much anymore.)

"Explain." I sit on the bed and he sits next to me.

"I am a werewolf."

"Oh really? Because from what I saw out there I actually thought you were a werecat." I say with sarcasm all over my words.

"Let me finish. I am a werewolf, an alpha to be exact an you are my mate. A mate is a werewolfs soul mate, their other half, they can't live without them. And since I am an alpha you will become the packs luna." What the heck is a luna?"A luna is the alpha female of the pack." He replies as if reading my mind. Wow, so werewolfs exist? And I am the mate of one. Well my life will probably never be boring again."Cassie please speak." Shane's pleading voice breaks me out of my thoughts.

"Look Shane, I find all of this really amazing and fantastic, but I need sometime to think this over." I give him a half-hearted smile.

"I understand." He growls and walks out of the room shutting the door. I lay on the bed and fall asleep thinking of what I am supposed to do.







   So that's what all that growling was about, I thought maybe he had some short of throat dryness or something. Yep early in the morning and am still wondering what I am supposed to do. So how am I, a human weakling, supposed to be the alpha of a pack? I can always give it a try. Shane deserved to be atleast given a chance... Right? Ugh, well I hope I'm doing the right thing. I try to open the door only find it locked. Really? I thought we were over this.

"Shane!!" I scream and Shane burst through the doors. Dang that felt like deja vu.

"Cassie?" He scans the room and finally spots me and walks over to me."Are you okay?" 

"Yep, I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to give this werewolf, luna thing a chance." I smile at him.

"Really?" He asks hopefully.

"No." I frown at him and he growls."Just kidding jeez." 

"Good, because I would've kept you locked in here until you agreed."

"Wow, no freaking comment." Suddenly I remembered about mom and how she must be worried sick."Wait Shane can I please call my mom she must be worried sick." He thinks for awhile before answering.

"Sure, but you will stay here." He hands me my phone and I quickly dial my moms number.




"Hello?" My moms sweet voice answers.

"Mom?" I choke out.

"Oh my gosh! Is that you Cassie?"


"I've been worried sick! Where are you?!"

"Well I was kidnapped, but it's fine mom, I'm okay. Please I'll call you soon." A tear rolls down my cheek.

"Wai-" I hung up before she could respond. I couldn't do it, if I would've finished that phone call I would be on the floor sobbing. I just wanted to hear her voice again. I hand Shane his phone back.

"It's time Cassie." 

"Time for what?" I raise an eyebrow.

"To meet the pack." Oh hell no.

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