Chapter 24: What Am I?

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"But Lena wouldn't do something like this." I say completely shocked.

"But she would." Steve replies. "Now come here we have to inject this in you or else it won't work."

"What won't work? What are you guys putting in me?" I cower to a corner.

"Just a Lil something that will change you completely." The female raises up a shot and squeezes some liquid out. "You see Cassie we want to see what will happen when we put werewolf venom and vampire venom in a human, will it kill you? Will you turn into a werewolf? Or will you turn into a vampire? We won't know until we inject you with the two venoms combined."

"What did you inject in me before I came here? Why was I strong enough to break through rope?"

"Ah that was the vampire venom which gives you strength." She inches closer to me.

"What is vampire and werewolf venom?" I ask wearily.

"Vampire venom turns people into vampires and werewolf venom turns people into werewolves, only the ancients have these venoms, but we have our ways."

Oh god are they trying to turn me into a vampire/werewolf hybrid type of thing? Why would Lena do this?! I have so many unanswered question, oh god I'm panicking. Shh Cassie, Shane will find you soon and it'll all be okay.
"Hey!" I jump back and they injwct the liquid into my arm. "What did you do?!" I yelp as my veins start turning a sickly green.

"We mixed both the venoms to see what will happen." Steve inspects my arm, but I pull it away from him. The green starts going up to my neck until I can't breath and I fall to the floor gasping for air.

"Shane." I lastly say before returning to the darkness.
Shane's POV

"Where the fuck is she?!" I growl and throw a vase at the wall.

"We don't know." Amber whispers.

"Well fucking find her!" I yell at her while stuffing my face with brownies which quickly earns a growl from Jake.

"Listen Shane, we were not fucking here when she disappeared so don't go yelling at my mate for something you did!" He snarls shovin Amber behind his back.

"I know," I silently say. "I'm sorry, it's just I barely got her back from Ajax and now she's missing again." Jesus fucking Christ I am such a horrible mate. Not only did I let her kidnapped once by my psychotic brother, but now she's missing again! And while she was with me. Fuck.

"We all just need to calm down." Lena cuts in placing a hand on my shoulder and smiling at me. "Jake, Amber you should go you weren't there when it happened." They both give a quick nod before leaving my office.

"I don't know what happened Lena." I look down at my hands.

"It's not your fault Shane." She puts a finger under my chin and lifts my head up. "I should've never suggested the club."

"Damn fucking right." I pull away from her touch, it wasn't the same as when Cassie touched me.

"We will find her." She looks at me from under her eyelashes, is she fucking flirting? I know she's my beatfriend, but that's all I ever thought of her, and she has a mate.

"Hopefully." I feel my wolf itching to come out wanting to find his mate. Maybe if I would've held on tighter to her this wouldn't have happened, if only that female wouldn't have asked for my help finding her mate. Why was I so stupid?!

"Shane calm down you're shaking." She hugs me from behind.

"I lost my fucking mate I can't calm down." I rip myself from her hold.

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