Chapter 8: Why Did You Just Call That Turd A Rogue?

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"Who the hell are you?" I ask the man in front of me.

"Watch your language young lady." He asks me back.

"Don't tell me what to fucking do."

"I said to watch your language." The man tries to grab my shoulder but Shane growls and grabs his hand before it touches me.

"Who are you? And why did you just try to touch my mate?" He snarls.

"I didn't know she was your mate, alpha." Wait what? How does he know what that means?

"Now tell me why are you trespassing on my land, rogue?"  Rogue?

"I came to help my ex-wife find her missing daughter." He bows his head. Then it hit me, he's my dad, he's the one that left me when I was born because he didn't want me.

"You, you, you left me and my mom! Leave now! You don't how much pain you caused this family, leave!" I scream at him on the verge of tears. Immediately Shane is by my side comforting me.

"What's wrong Cas?" He cooed by my ear.

"He left me." Shane looks at 'my dad' and growls while still comforting me.

"Cassie?" He tries to reach for me but Noah, Lucas, and Oliver all growl at him. Woah forgot they were here; I look up to see all three of them with black eyes. Why are they mad?

"What's going on out here?" Mom? I turn to see my mom there looking pretty horrid. Her usually straight brown hair is in knots, and her blue happy eyes are now dull and tired thus the bags under her eyes. "Cassie?" She looks at me in tears.

"Mom!" I break free of Shane's arms and run to my mom.

"I thought I would never see you again." My mom cries.

"Please don't cry mom, I'm here now." Great now I'm crying.

"Don't ever leave me again." She whispers and Shane softly growls at that, stupid mutt.

"I can't promise you that." I say softly hoping she won't hear me but of course she did and broke apart.


"I can't stay mom, it's a long story."  

And so I told my mom about the story of me getting kidnapped and the wolf battle or whatever, how Shane was my mate, and how I ended up here.

"I'm so sorry Cassie; I should have never let you go to the store."

"But I'm happy you did, I got to meet Shane, my mate." I look at Shane and he looks back at me lovingly. "Now for the important part, why did Shane call that turd over there," I gesture to my dad. "A rogue?"

"Turd? I am your dad and you will treat me with respect." The turd lowly growls.

"You turd, are not my dad."

"Yes I am Cassie so treat me like I am."

"If you were then why weren't you here all these years?"

"As you probably know by now, I am a werewolf," Naw duh. "Well you see when you were born I had met my mate. Sadly I was marrie-"

"Sadly?" I say coldly.

"Yes sadly, because my poor mate was suffering inside, so me and my wolf knew we had to comfort her, I also had to do more thing I cannot speak of. I explained everything to your mom but she claimed me as a 'cheating man door.'" That's my mom. I look over to her to see a few tears slide down her face. Awe madre. "So I left with my mate."

"You could've still been here but nooo you left with your mate." Suddenly Oliver burst through the door.

"Mate! Mate!" He ran to my mom hugged her tightly sniffing her.

"No fucking way." I gasp.

"Shit." Shane mumbles.

"What the hell?!" The man door practically yells.

"Sorry alpha couldn't hold him back." Lucas and Noah both bow their head.

"Well congratufuckinglations Oliver you found your mate!" I slowly clap while wiping away a fake tear ignoring my mom's terrified look on her face. "You too mom! You can finally replace that bastard man door turd over there." I point to Dave (Aka the bastard man door turd.)

"You can get your grubby hands off of her now." Dave nearly growls.

"Hey turd just because she now has a mate doesn't mean you have to get possessive. You're the one that left her in the first place man door." I say surprisingly calmly.

"Uhh can you please let go of me?" My mom tries to pry Oliver off of her.

"No, I've waited 18 years for this and I'm not letting you go that soon."

"Awe, Shane hurry up and take a picture!" Shane gets his phone from his pocket and snaps a picture.

"Oh god, we have to frame this." He chuckles.

"Yes ma'am we do." I nod in agreement.

The moment was then shattered by a blood curdling scream coming from outside.

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