Chapter 3: Winnie The Pooh?

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"With whose baby?" He growls. Wait back up did he just growl?

"Did you j-"

"Answer the damn questions." His eyes start turning black. I am taking this as my cue to say I was just kidding.

"Calm down Shane, I was just kidding." I remove my hand from my nose which I instantly regret and pinch my nose again."Now if we can please get some febreze up in this room, thank you." I look at Shane to see his eyes turning back to their normal color, and he's eating another brownie."Another one?! That's like your 5th one since you've brought me here!" 

"Actually it's my 2nd and don't joke around like that." He glares at me.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever and don't I usually get a call? Because my mom is probably freaking out right now."

"No." And with that he walks out, slams the door shut, and locks it. Are you serious? All I get is a 'No' and a door slam in my face. Ugh what was his point of even kidnapping me? It's not like my family is stinking rich, or I owe someone something. Unless... There was that one time in kindergarten when I never did pay that one kid for giving me a piece of gum. I mean it was only 50 cents. Hell if it would get me out of this filthy, smelly, disgusting room I'll pay him 30 dollars only because that's how much I actually have in my piggy bank. Don't judge I'm not one to save my money.




  Luckily after some digging around I found a febreze bottle. Lets just say  that it is now empty and this room now smells like rainbows (Oranges and apples.) Jeez Shane could've atleast I don't know, not have kidnapped me, or he could've had the decency to dump me in a room full of junk food and that has a TV. I wonder what my mom is doing. Is she looking for me? Or is she celebrating, because if I were my mom I would be doing exactly that, let's just I'm not a perfect daughter. But deep, deep down my mother loves me just like I love her. 

 Why do keep craving brownies?! Maybe because of freaking Shane, he did keep on eating those suckers. Or maybe because they are my favorite dessert, or possibly I'm starting my period, oh gosh that would not be good. That's it.

"SHANE!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs and seconds later the door burst open.

"Cassie?!" He growled. There he goes growling and crap.

"I'm bored, hungry, most likely going to start my period, and I stink. Please let me go." He laughs for a while before speaking.

"No." He turns for the door, but I yank his hair making him stumble back and fall on his butt, I use that as an advantage to run out the door and shut it behind me. Time to escape!

  After about 10 minutes of useless wandering, I finally found a door that leads to the outside. Freedom!!! I run out thinking I am finally going to escape this hell hole until, I freaking crash into a wall. A wall are you freaking serious right now? Out of all things it has to be a wall. I look up to find out it was actually a tree, damn, what kind of trees feel like a wall when you crash into them? Jeez. I'm walking around the woods admiring the beautifulness (If that's a word) of it and dang, I would totally live here if I could. I'm looking at a specific flower when I hear a growl come out of nowhere.

"Hello? Is that you Winnie The Pooh?" Okay so maybe I don't handle serious problems correctly.

"What's a young gorgeous girl doing out in the woods by herself?" A deep husky voice comes from behind me. I turn to see about 3 men all in dirty clothes, but strangely attractive.

"You see I just got kidnapped by some guy named Shane that knows my name and I don't know how." One guy who seems to be the leader of this... Gang? Steps forward.

"Oh so you're the alphas mate." He smirks. "Oh the things we could do to you." He steps closer.

"Woah man, step back, you smell like a dead person." He frowns.

"Whatever. Now come with us before you get hurt." Two of his minions step forward.

"Who's going to hurt my Cassie?" A voice booms from behind me. Man what's up with people speaking behind my back (Pun intended.)

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