Maybe Nana Doesn't Know Best

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Oh my goose! I am lost for words! Although I'm surprised Nana is just finding out, I haven't prepared. What if she tells mom and dad? This is going to be very bad.

"What do you mean Nana? Me? Raped? What makes you say so?" I say putting on my acting skills.

"You're no longer the good old Rachel I used to know. You no longer talk to your sister about boys. You no longer keep pictures of your best male  models. You find every way possible to criticize men. You are already having trust issues unlike the sweet optimistic Rachel I know." She pauses for a second. I can't help but notice the tears stored in her eyes. "When you came back from staying with your aunt Michelle for the summer break four years ago, I noticed your instant change."

"What else makes you say so?" I say in a voice that sounded almost like a whisper.

"That day you came back, I saw you scrubbing your body a lot too much while sobbing." Now she's crying " I thought is was because of the farm over there that made you feel disgusted which you later confirmed to me that day. Since that day I've been thinking about it but when your mother mentioned 'rape' that look on your face could not go unnoticed. I am  sure that they did something to you. I never trusted your aunt Michelle because of her careless personality. If not that I was ill I would have gone with you."

"Nana! What took you long to find out!" I say bursting into tears. "You have no idea that son of a B**CH did to me."

"Who?" She asks

"Jared and two of his friends."

"Oh! My baby! Nana is very sorry!" She pulls me into a hug and we are both crying.

"Nana, stop crying." I said pulling away from her. I wiped away my tears and hers. " Don't worry it's all over."

"What d-"

"It's been four years and I've gotten over it." I assure her.

"But how would I know when you haven't gotten yourself a boyfriend?"

"What if I tell you that I have one?" What did I just say? So much for my acting skills.

"Are you serious?" I don't like where this is going. The worst part is how  Nana's mood has gone from worry to enthusiasm."Yep."

"You have to bring him here for dinner today!" Exactly what I've tried to avoid.

"I'm sorry. I'm not ready to introduce him to dad. I don't really know if he'd like him because he's not the uh smart type of kid dad likes."

"Oh! But that's not a problem I will just talk your dad into liking him."


"No buts! Tell him to come here after school." She orders before urging me to go to school an hour early.

Right now Abby and I are in the car and she's looking at me suspiciously. I hate this kind of moment.

"Tell me all what you and Nana discussed this morning." Guess I can't anything from this old lady.

I told her everything and she supported me well enough by laughing.

"What's so funny?" I ask frustrated.

"Now you will go hunting for a guy you love so much or should I say... What's the opposite of love?"


"You got it, sis."

"I hate you!"

"What's the opposite of hate?"

Lucia DevlinWhere stories live. Discover now