Betrayal and Deceit

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Diana's POV

I don't think I can take this anymore. Dray's mother is taking too long up. I'm starting to get impatient.

I tap the ground warily with my feet. Something just doesn't feel right. I just hope my baby is safe. I wonder how she'd look like because I know she's gonna be a girl. She's most likely going to be like her father. He's so sweet but she shouldn't be too sweet. She will have to be smart too and strong.

Instead of waiting here. I could go to Aunt Rafaela's but my parents are going to suspect that I'm there because that's the first place they'd expect me to be. I'd just call Aunty to tell her about all these. She'd- wait! She said something about me creation and something bad happening to my loved one. Who could that be? Hope it Isn't Rachel. She said she should be careful. I should call her to warn her first.

I dial Rachel's number quickly and she picks up after some seconds.

"Diana! How are you? And... Anna?"

"Who is Anna?" I ask dumbfounded.

" My goddaughter... Your child." I can just imagine Rachel blushing furiously. She's human too. By the way, Anna is such a cute name. Diana, Anna. It sounds like one of my nicknames." Don't tell me you have another godmother for your baby?"

"Of course not." I let out a small chuckle. "Why are you so sure she'd be a girl?" I ask suprised. I mean I think she's girl because of my motherly instinct. What is her reason?

"Godmotherly instincts." I shake my head.

"Ok, why did you came up with the name Anna? It's too similar to my name."

"That's simple. I know she's gonna be a strong woman like you."

"Is that one of your godmotherly instincts?"

"Yes! Why did you call, by the way?" She asks reminding that I've called her for a purpose. I guess this motherly feeling is overwhelming.

Should also tell her about eloping with Dray? Nah, she'd kill me. I know I have let her down but that's the only solution for now. I can't let my parents control my life or separate me from my love. No matter how much of a feminist I am, when it comes to love I can do a lot of stupid things I don't usually regret.

"I want to know if everything is okay."

" What's wrong?" She asks concerned.

"Nothing. I just want you to be careful and call me through Dray's number if you need me. I won't be using my phone for a while."

"Why use Dray's number? Don't tell me... Are you running away with him?"

Good! She has me figured out.

"No... I'm gonna be using it for a while. Please don't ask me why?" I feel bad lying to her. It's for the sake of my baby. I know my parents well especially my mom. She would do anything in her power to separate me from Dray. I won't let that happen. To me it's like it's Dray who is eloping with me. He has to come with me for our baby. So, we can bring her up with love from both parents.

After a long moment of silence. Rachel answers. "Ok... Dian, I know you are hiding something from me but I want you to know that love is first no matter what. Put love first and don't do anything stupid. Good bye and don't forget, you can always crash at my penthouse. It's safe."

With that she hung up.

Should I just tell her. Her penthouse is the safest place. Dray's and my parents can't know where we are but then mom is a detective. She'd find out in no time.

If Dray's mom help us, mom would think she's separating us and we'll be free.

What's taking her long?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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