One Hell Of A Sister

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**Diana's POV**

I don't know if I should tell Rach this or not. The only thing I know is that now isn't the right time to tell her all this. I wouldn't want her explode. Especially now that she is crying over this Will boy. I hope she has gotten over her hatred for boys.

I believe that some boys do crazy things just as some girls also do. I am not obsessed with hating boys like Rach. The only two reasons I joined the gang is to support my friend and the other is a story for another time...

My aunt, Rafaela can read palms. One day, she got to read Rach's. Aunt Rafaela told me that she will fall in love soon but I didn't believe. I began to doubt my aunt. But now I've made up my mind to always believe her.
God still works miracles. It was just like right now that I realised that. Rach has finally fallen in love. She seems to like this guy although I'm super sure she's gonna deny it.

Right now. Those are the list of my worries.

I just found out so many things. Lemme put it this way
The good things:
1. There is a super cute guy that asked me out on a date. I'll surely share that with Abby because I'm sure Rach wouldn't enjoy the whole story.
2. My parents are not going to be around through out this month and Jayson is not also going to be around because of his tight schedule. Seth doesn't really care about whatever happens in the house. It gives me freedom so, I'm happy.

The bad things:
1. The Abby story...
2. Rach might murder someone.
3. Sia is a stripper. Maybe this is supposed to be a good thing.

I'm helping Aunt Rafaela to pack some buckets of flowers into her flower shop. I do this every weekend and Rach usually joins me later on.

"How's Rachie?" She asks playing with a flower.

"She's fine." I answer.

"Not that, silly. I mean, did she fall in looooovvvvveeee?" She prolongs the love part as she always does. I should just tell her or else she'd never leave me alone.

"Yes. But she wouldn't agree yet." I inform her dropping the last bucket on the ground.

"You see, I'm always right!" She boasts as I sit beside her.

"I want you to read my palm. I've asking myself a lot of questions about my life." I sigh.

"OK." She says taking my palm. "You will create something very precious to you very soon. But as soon as you do that something really bad is going to happen to someone you love."

"And who's that?" I don't want anything to happen to someone I love.

"I don't know. It only says someone you love." My aunt says before gasping.

"What's wrong?" I ask before turning to look at what she was gasping at.

"It's really bad that the doll which symbolises you is is depressed. The situation could make you depressed."
She whispers scowling at one of her dolls. My aunt seems weird but I understand her.

I just hope aunt Rafaela is wrong this time around. I hope she's wrong.

"Don't worry. Sometimes, the event of time changes some things and I'll pray for you always. ''

"Gracias." This means thank you in Spanish.

"De nada." It means you're welcome in Spanish.

The door opens revealing my only bestie, Rach. I'm so happy that she's here. I just hope I can forget about all this.

"Dian! Aunt Rafaela! Why is everyone looking so sad?!" She asks confused.

"Nothing important. Just a silly game. Right aunty?" I raise my brow when she wasn't replying.

Lucia DevlinWhere stories live. Discover now