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**Rachel's POV**

I'm gonna make those bastards pay. I swear on my precious daggers. Their parents ain't gonna recognise them at all when I'm finished with them.

"Dian! Where do you say we'd find them again!" I ask Dian who was still typing some codes on her laptop. She's a very good hacker but she claims her cousin, what did she call him... Maybe Beth.. no Beth is a female's name... Seth! Yes! Seth is a better hacker. I don't really care since he's a boy.

"I've found it!" So... "They are at the the three dragons night club!"

"Make sure you put your seat belt on and hold on to your chair because this is gonna be the craziest drive of your life." I inform Dian before starting my car. She obeys quickly.

She knows me too well.

We get there after the 5 minutes drive. Inside this place looks nothing like a night club. It's like a Casino. Normally, it's meant to be grown up adults who gamble in a Casino but here it's high schoolers. They all look ridiculous. There are even prostitutes here. How can females stoop so low that they sell themselves to irresponsible men. That's just stupidity of the highest order. I thank God for my mom. She's independent and respected by all men.

"Are the girls here already?"I speak to Dian through my ear piece. Every member of my gang wears this on every operation.

"Yes!" She replies. "Gaby, Cecilia, Kens  look for the fools and get them together in the cars." She orders quickly.

"Got it!" They all reply in unison.

"Tori, secure the way!"

"Why can't you do that instead? I can't." She replies annoyingly. What gives her the guts to talk to Dian like that. She might have been around here as long as Dian had been but I placed Dian over her and she shouldn't disobey her.

"Hey, Tori or whatever they call you. You had better secured the way!" I order again. I hate rebellion.

"Alright." She forces out grudgingly while I roll my eyes.

"We've gotten the guys." Gaby informs us breathing heavily.

"I hope u guys didn't make out with them." Tori murmurs. This girl doesn't really know how to keep her mouth shut.

"Shut up!" They all snap thankfully.

"The bastards are drunk." Gaby explains.

"And very heavy weighed." Cicee sighs.

"OK! Enough of the complaints! We need to get this over with ASAP!" I announce.

We quickly drive to our site everyone in their separate cars.

We put on our ski masks and gloves for security reasons. I let the girls torture them because if it's left to me I would kill those morons.

I'm checking around for any tracking device it could cause a problem.

I don't know why but what aunt Rafaela said is still ringing in my head. Soomething bad might happen if you miss one step.

This may seem weird coming from my mouth but I don't want to die. I really don't.

Gush! Is that what I heard or not. Sirens!

The Police?! Shit!

**Will's POV**

Yesterday, when I went to Rachel's house, I began to have a feeling that she's engaging some shady deals I don't understand.

Firstly, she's all aggressive and unpredictable. Secondly, I saw a huge collection of arms in her room. I've never heard of an 18 year old girl being able to own that much arms.
I feel that she's hiding something from everyone. I even noticed a ski mask in her room.

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