There is no law of feminism (go straight to the motherfucking point)

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Rachel's POV

I didn't know that Will and Jared had known each other but it's wierd that Will is still acting cool with him. I mean, no punches, no injuries. The more I think about it, it's not fair. I wish he had probably beaten Jared. Jared maybe a cultist and gang leader but he's definitely not a fighter. It was his money and charisma that earned him the position. Don't worry though, very soon I will have my gang wreck them up but it isn't time I thought it was puberty but now you are beyond control. You may be eighteen but I still have control over you. Okay? I just wonder what the h-"

"Calm down miss, don't use curse words in front of the kids. Rachel is old enough to think whatever. You really don't want her to know our adventures when we were her age." Thanks Dad. Dad is always the sensible one.

I wonder what that says about feminism. Sometimes I admire my dad more than mom. Mom takes everything seriously. She's also easily pissed but dad is calm and understanding.

"I'm done with breakfast. I need to go freshen up." Mom says leaving angrily to the balcony which the visible from here. I wonder why it's wierd everybody says I'm just like mom. Am I usually short tempered?

"Everybody cheers to a happy family." Dad announces mocking mom. This is what my mom likes doing best when dinning with us. I can see her foaming.

Okay, dad is being annoying. Everybody cheers apart from me. Mom who is watching us seems suprised. I'm not gonna dump her. I just don't feel like.

"Rachel what's wrong?" Dad asks with a raised brow. His dark hair was really charming but I won't fall for that by saying ' ohh dad I love your hair.' Thinking about I'm supposed to be angrier. He didn't let me inherit his beautiful hair.

"I'm not gonna take part in this. I'm gonna get some fresh air." I stand up angrily majorly because dad didn't give me cool hair. I hear Abby mutter something like 'the mom and daughter are just the same.' but I don't have time for her nonsense.

It's just me and mom in the balcony.

"Why would you do that?" Mom asks acting all cool but I could see the glint of happiness in her eyes. It's so sad that that smile might not stay for long..

"Dad's hair is cool and Mine's not. I just hate myself for looking like you not like him." Sorry mom.

"What? I'm way cooler than your dad. You wouldn't even be this pretty if you looked like your dad. Besides, black hair is just too dull and devilish. Look what the eyes your dad gave to Abby has done to her. It makes her look like a cat." Mom boasts.

Thank God dad isn't here to argue with her. It'd just be a disaster.

"Mom it's alright. I love my looks that I got from you." I gave her an assuring smile.

" Now you're talking." She smiles back feeling accomplished before grabbing my hands surprisingly. The smile drops as quick as it came. The scary blues are now piercing into mine. " I don't know what it is that is making you think too much, you can tell me. I'll always be here for you. Okay?"

"I know mom. Why are you acting like this?" I ask.

"Nothing. It's not just normal for an eighteen year old girl to think this much. I know I don't give you all the attention you need but you can always count on me. I had you when I was eighteen I was so in love with your dad and I just finished highschool. My parents weren't there for me. It was only your dad and not everyone is as sweet as he is, although he can be annoying. He was there for me. I only despised my parents more even though it was my fault for not telling them anything. They travelled for three years to my grand parents house. I had given birth to you and married your dad secretly. Our parents didn't know. Your dad was so sweet that when I was still pregnant he didn't go to school he stayed with me at my penthouse. We had you in the penthouse by a private doctor. I still didn't tell my parents. Of course, they were calling me but they didn't know what was up. I had your Nana take care of you. She was the only person who knew everything. She was a maid at our house but she was the only one who was there for when they travelled around on business trips. When you were almost two and I had Abby. After two years they came to see me at the penthouse. Then, I was twenty one, you were three and Abby was two. They saw you and your sister and knew immidiately that you are my daughter because you looked just like me when you were younger. They regretted everything and asked me to forgive them but I couldn't when I remembered the plenty the times I have asked them to stay with me. I sent them out of my penthouse after all my grandfather gave it to me. Since then, I shut them from my life."

Lucia DevlinWhere stories live. Discover now