Something New

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For a week, I've been all lovey dovey with Will. I've grown to know him as a very compassionate guy. He hates seeing people cry. He's also very sweet. He usually does everything for  me in school. He picks me up everyday.

He's just so different from the other boys. Plus, he's hot. I can't wait to feel his six packs.

Love is really great feeling. The way he looks into my eyes makes me feel so reassured. I love him too much.

"Thinking about me?" He whispers softly into my ear pulling my waist to him.

He might be sweet but I can't let him control me.

I pull his waist to mine too. Thank God I'm wearing heels. If not, I wouldn't be able to do that.

Since the class is empty, I'm free to do whatever I want.

"You are the one who is missing me." I say before I pull him into a kiss.

We both savour each other's taste.

I push him down to the chair behind him and start another series of kiss. I pull his hair with my right hand to further the kiss. Our breath paces begin to increase but I wasn't ready to back down.

He pulls away from the kiss panting which means I won although I am also gasping for air.

"So... You wanna go out somewhere with me?" He asks warily.

Am I that scary?

"I would love to." I inform him making him sigh in relief.

"Let's go now!" He pulls my arm out of the empty class.

We meet a girl who is around our age in front of Will's Volvo XC60 which is kinda cooler than my Audi A3 car. The girl looks like a cheerleader because of the way she's dressed. She seems like she's really good looking.

"Tori?" Will guesses with a spark of happiness in his eyes. I really don't like it because it is the same way he looks at me all the time. I hope he isn't playing me.

I really don't want him to loose his balls. There are a lot of things I want to do with those.

She turns around quickly on hearing his voice. She has the same excitement as Will.

Wow! She's really pretty. I can't let him be near her too much. I'm afraid she's gonna still him from me.

Oh... Man!

They are hugging for far too long. I must do something about this or I'll become like one of those girls who get betrayed by boys.

I cough really hard.

"Are you okay?" Will asks pulling from her quickly and holding me steady. I'm a great actress. I should win an Oscar for that.

"I'm uh f-fine on my own." I say grabbing his collar a bit so his ear is closer. "Don't cross your boundary!" I whisper the threat as he gulped. His Adam apple moving up and down sexily. I pull away from him.

"May I know who this is?" I ask glaring at the girl who has been scowling at me.

"Rachel, this is Victoria, my childhood friend." He says to me before turning to her. "Victoria, this is my girlfriend Rachel."

"Nice to meet you Victoria." I say extending my hand but intimidating her with my height. Feels good to be a little tall.

Anyway, she doesn't seem intimidated.

"Yeah, Rachel." She says smiling innocently. She takes my hand shake. I don't like this girl at all. She's acting like an hypocrite. She was clearly scowling at me just now.

Lucia DevlinWhere stories live. Discover now