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Diana's POV

"I'm bullet proof. Nothing to lose. Fire away, fire away, you take your aim, fire away, fire away. Shoot me down but I won't fall. I am Titanium..." I sing in the bath room with enthusiasm.

I've been happy ever since my parents agree to help Dray and me to go through this together. They didn't take it the way I thought they would though something about dad's expression was off but I don't really care because they didn't beat me up. What is the worst they can seriously. I hear a knock on the door of my room before it slowly cranks open. The foot step stops at my bathroom entrance thankfully.

"Miss Diana! Please, could you come out? You've got a visitor." Stella reports.

"Thank you, I'm coming. Taking my bath. I'll be there in a bit." I tell her trying my best to sound sad. That's because Stella is a big snitch and gossip. I bet she'd tell my parents all my expression and I don't want them to know how happy I am to have this baby.

As soon as she leaves, I quickly slip into my blue jean shorts and tank top holding my hair up in a ponytail. Pony tail is my kind of thing. I jog down the stairs to see who the visitor could be. I hope it's Dray. I stop slow when I saw my parents sitting down talking to woman who looks really familiar. She has a black hair and brown eyes just like the ones I can't stop thinking about. She looks young like in her mid forties. She is dressed in all white but behind all her beautiful features, I feel like all her angelic smiles are all fake. I know a fake emotion when I see one. I also pull a fake smile that really looks real as soon as I come into view. I have really bad feeling about this.

"Ana, come seat down." My mom offers patting a seat beside her. Couldn't she have found somewhere better? Beside her will mostly likely be like being in a hell in a cell's match with the undertaker.

" Hey Mom. Hey dad. Hey Miss." I greet swiftly before seating.

"Oh, I'm not a miss. Call me Jackie." She says chuckling at me. Maybe this one didn't seem so fake. She turns to both of my parents. " You have a really pretty daughter."

"Yes. She took after me that's why." My dad boasts annoyingly from beside me on the armchair while mom and I are seating on the couch and the woman on the second armchair. Like seriously people! Cut to the chase! I'm not ready for all this beating around the bush. I send my mom a look that says 'you dudes should really cut to the chase' but she returns a glare that says 'shut your mouth and wait'.

"I'm sorry for not properly introducing myself, Ana." Jackie says noticing my impatience. " I'm Dray's mother. I heard you are pregnant with his child so I came to come to an agreement with your parents."

Darn! I should have known. She just looks so freaking young. I didn't dress properly. My clothes are too casual. I'm in my house nobody really cares about what I wear here. I probably look like a twelve year old girl who isn't capable of taking care of a baby-

"Don't be nervous. I just offered your parent to let you come with me in Europe till you have your baby." She smiles at me. How could she say this sort of a thing smiling? I can't leave now. It's only two months remaining for me to finish high school. The pregnancy wouldn't be noticable then. Why should they hide me?

"Is Dray going to come too?" I ask trying to hide the anger rising in my veins.

"He won't till he graduates."

"So won't I graduate?"

"You'll. You will even write an exam over there. I have a school in England from there you can enter into the University of Cambridge. I heard of how brilliant you are. Your pregnancy is not going to affect your education I promise." Bullshit! I always wanted to go to Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Now, I'm literally being forced to go to Cambridge. "I'm sorry but you have no other choice. You should start packing this night. We are going tomorrow morning."

"Have you discussed this with Dray?" I ask not planning to go anywhere.

"No. He's not going to know for now. He has to concentrate on his studies. I ceased his phone as a punishment so don't think of calling him my dear. I'm gonna take my leave." She leaves and my mom accompanies her to the door.

" Mom! Dad! Why are you doing this to me? I can't leave now." Especially if Dray won't be with me. I can't stand a week without him. Rach also needs me here. She informed me yesterday when I called her that Jared is back. I can't leave when we can settle all this. "I can't go somewhere that I'll be all alone. The only people I love are here." I yelled.

"Shut up you ungrateful bitch!" My mom interrupts. "You supposed to be happy that I didn't send you to Japan where nobody will recognize your betraying face. You are so irresponsible useless that you couldn't even use your pills correctly. You had an unprotected sex which equals unprotected future and destiny. What your dad and l are doing is stopping you from something more stupid and your brainless head cannot tell you to get packing so I am..." She keeps barking throwing insulting words at me. That's my mom for you. She never understands. Sometimes I wonder how she became a detective.

I look at my dad's guilty eyes one last time before going up to pack up. I understand him a little though. If the press finds out that his eighteen years old daughter is pregnant, they'd not leave the case alone. My dad wants to contest in the next two years for presidency. I still can't imagine staying with the ice queen, Jackie. They say mothers-in-law are usually wicked to their daughters-in-law. I'm not afraid though. I just think it's best if the press doesn't finds out.

Someone who is most likely Seth knocks on my door.

"Come in." I answer.

He enters silently so my parents won't hear. Why is he hiding? This boy is really wierd.

Rachel's POV

"Jared darling. How is college going? I heard you are in your final year from Michelle." Mom says giving him a soft smile.

If only she knows who he is...

"College is really stressful. I eat like a beggar. The service is bad. Michelle is annoying. She doesn't know when I need money and the one she sends is not enough to buy food for a month..."Jared complains on and on while my dad shoots mom a glare. We are having breakfast which I prepared. I made sure Abby and I were seating opposite Mom and Jared. There's nothing the idiot cannot try.

My mom shouldn't have asked Jared that question. She probably didn't know what to say. The problem now is that I don't want to keep hearing his voice. I've even lost my appetite but I can't leave. It'll look suspicious especially the way mom is and I can't leave Abby with him. She could be really reckless. Nana travelled to be with her family for a while that's it's not really awkward in here.

"Abby!" Mom calls making me snap out my thought.

" Yeah!" I answer.

"Why are you always absent minded? I was asking you to keep Jared company because your dad and I are going out."

Can the situation get anymore worse?

"I'm sorry. I have a project to do with Diana at her house so I won't be able to keep him company. Why don't you take him with you?" I ask bluntly.

"We can't." My parents say in unison.

"Don't worry. Abs could keep me company." Jared says with a smirk which only madee glare at him in annoyance while Abby just chokes on her food. He knows I don't want him alone with Abby.

abs? He couldn't come up with a better nickname?

" I have a project too." Abby obviously tried to copy my excuse.

" So you are gonna make me stay home all by my self?" Jared fakes disappointment.

"I will stay." I inform everyone.

"Why?" Mom asks. I have to because Jared is a rapist and cultist.

You may be thinking of why I can't discard Jared. It's not because his my relative. It's because he's the head of our rival gang. It's a really long story though.

" I thought you have a project." Mom says eyeing me suspiciously.

" I thought about it and I think it'll be rude of me to leave poor Baby Jared alone besides, the project isn't that important." My lip quirks into a smile. There's gonna be a new part of home alone featuring me.

Lucia DevlinWhere stories live. Discover now