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**Rachel's POV**

I wonder how I'll be able to allow that bitch to come to my house. I was so stupid for suggesting something like that.

My phone rings.

It's an unknown number. I pick up hesitatingly.

"Hey, who's this?" I ask.

"It's Seth. Diana is in the hospital right now." He answers nervously.

Oh my!

" I'm coming right away!" I say before I hang up.

I quickly slip into my black denim jacket rushing out of the house.

I walk into the awfully odoured hospital. It makes me remember when Abby was little. She was very sickly. It's so wierd that she's super healthy now.

I see Beth no Seth walking around impatiently in the waiting section while Dray was sitting with his hand covering his face.

"Seth! Dray! What's wrong with Dian?" I ask scared.

" We- me and Dray-  were arguing- then suddenly she fainted." He stutters.

"I won't forgive any of you if something happens." I roar.

The doctor finally comes out of the door. "She's perfectly fine." He assures us. Seth and I sigh in unison. Dray raises his head a little but I read 'relieved' clearly on his face. "Please, can I see any of Diana's parents?" He asks.

"They are not here but her cousin is." I tell the doctor as Dray finally raises his head.

"And her boyfriend." Dray adds.

Wait! Diana was dating him behind my back? That's terrible. She calls me her best friend.

"Perfect! I think her boyfriend will do." The doctor says and Drays follows him to his office. "You guys could go see her in the meantime"

Seth and I enter the ward. We see Diana sitting on her bed crying. I know Diana is the emotional type but she doesn't cry without a reason.

"Why are you crying, dear?" I say sitting beside her on her bed. Seth also squats in front of her.

" I'm three weeks pregnant." She speaks wiping her tears.

Geeese! She didn't use protection?! I have never known Rachel to be ignorant. What will her parents do? They aren't exactly the nicest people. Her dad's political job will be ruined for sure.

" Didn't you use any protection?" Seth voices my thought.

" It was only once we slept together and we were very careful." Diana says, her voice cracking from the tears.

How is that possible? More reasons I won't be able to make love to Will in the meantime. I am definitely not ready to get pregnant.

My poor friend. It must be really hard for her. Thinking about taking care of a baby or even worse, a bunch of babies. I don't really know what I would do if I was in her shoes.

"It's gonna be okay. You are having the baby. Are you?" I ask her holding her close and parting her back.

" I don't know. I have to confirm from Dray. I mean... I will still have my baby either ways." She answers.

The door cracks open revealing a devastated Dray. It's all his fault my friend is in this position. He has to take responsibility if he values his balls.

"Please, can I have a moment with Diana?" He asks.

" No, if it's left to me." Seth answers.

"But because of this situation we'll excuse you." I finish offering Dray a sad smile.

Lucia DevlinWhere stories live. Discover now