I'm The Only One

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**Rachel's POV**

"Hands up!"


The police!

I look behind me to Will. I must admit it's a big shock that he knows about my shady deals. I still don't know he feels about the situation.

But that's not what matters right now.

We must escape. I guess it's only one police officer that caught us. I should shoot him.

I bring out my gun aiming it at him.
"I'm sorry officer." Wait this isn't a police officer.

"Don't shoot! He's one of us!" Will pleads

"May I ask who he is?"

"He's Dray,  my best friend." Oh.. I remember him. He seemed a lot more sensible than many other boys but scaring us is the dumbest thing I've seen him do. If I had shot him I would be more satisfied.

"We have a lot to talk about when we are out of here,  Will." I say frowning at him.

Woah! I didn't notice the wierd look that Dian and Dray shared. I will ask her about this later. I can't be late. Nana is expecting me at home.

Yeah,  it's all about the Will incident I told Dian about. That means Will and I will have enough time to talk about all this.


"Where have you been?" Abby and Nana ask at the same time.

I'm already used to this. I just have to make up a lie.

"I went out with Diana after helping aunt Raphaela out."

"Oh... " They answer at the same time again. They always buy my lies.

"Where is your boyfriend?" Nana asks. She's at it again as I expected. "I haven't forgotten our deal. He has to come for the meal." She sing-songs chuckling at her pun which I find boring.

"Actually, he's on his way."  I inform her.

"That's great! I would make chocolate cupcakes too."

"Yay!" Okay, she got me there.

"I would like banana peanut butter ice cream."

"Eewww. Abby, you eat the grossest things."

"It's not gross. On the contrary, it's the best." She's really kidding me.

"But I'll rather eat my poop!" I joke to make her angry. She gets angry when I disagree to the food she likes. Sometimes she even report to our parents like a baby.

"Don't call my food poop!" She barks hilariously and I burst out laughing. "Nana!!!" She shouts storming towards the kitchen.

My phone rings. It's an unknown number. 

I pick up the phone.

"Who's this!" I demand immidiately.

"Your boyfriend." Goose! It's Will. That sweet voice is never mistakeable.

"Are you here yet? " I ask. I don't no but I think I'm a bit excited that he's coming.

"Yes, cute." Me? Cute? I don't think I'm cute.

"Don't you ever call me cute. " I warn

"Why?" He asks confused.

"Because I don't think I'm cute."

"You ar-"

"I'm sexy. Duhh"

"Of course, I'm sorry. That's my mistake. You are even super sexy. There's no doubt about it."

Lucia DevlinWhere stories live. Discover now