Part 1: Meeting him

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She woke up as she felt that warm rays through her skin, putting her hands in front of her eyes to cover the bright light thats blinding her, as she look at time and quickly stood up walking slightly sleepy to the bathroom. After that she goes down stairs and tries to make a decent breakfast. As she was preparing food she looks at the window and stare blankly at the beautiful sky that's gladly welcoming her in the view of the shining morning.

You live independently even though you have your mom there she's always early for work so you just kinda live your own, you and your mom were so close before but since your father died your relationship drifted apart because she got lonely and always trying to find another man but they can't really make her happy. she didn't even know how lonely I got without my father and now my mom. "i got lonely because of the death of my father and my appearance" and thought that they will never understand so I just hid it and says some stupid reasons when people ask me.

I snapped out of my recurring daze when I heard something (microwave sound) *ding* I finished my breakfast that I prepared myself and clean everything in the kitchen. I washed the dishes and patted dry my hands as I glanced up towards the clock in the wall. I really need to get going, Im gonna be late if I stay any longer and that's a no for the first day of class. I don't wanna make a bad impression for the new people I'm going to meet. I hope everything about this day turns out the way I want it to be.

While I was running at the halls whereas I was really late because of the traffic and the lack of bus at the rush our. Suddenly I unintentionally bumped into someone making me stumble back and almost lost my balance but I hold my self back from falling. But my books and belongings are not lucky as I dropped everything scattering all over the school hall. Thankfully it was already late at that time students and teachers where no were to be found, probably all of them is already starting class why you can't even get your shit together. Looking like a mess in front of this good smelling boy in mere inches from you. You haven't looked at him because your embarrassed at what just occurred. And yes he does smell great you can sniff of from a mile away. You kinda wanna ask what perfume he uses or is it a cologne, Wait is it that the same thing? "I'll help you miss" the deep husky of the man range through your eardrums snapping you out of your sudden trance. You couldn't make up words as it's all stuck inside your throat and he chuckled lightly taking that as the cue for him to pickup all of your things in the floor.

Your frozen at this moment as your body can't seem to move an inch. How can be a perfect man approach someone like you and even helped you. You did bumped into him, is it coincidence perhaps destiny. That's why you're still a child and single because of this dumb intuition and thoughts. "All done" he reached his hands towards you with your belongings all intact in his grip. "T-thanks" I let out a shaky sigh as I fixed my skirt and straightened my uniform before looking back at the person who just offered to help my clumsy ass. I grabbed my stuff shyly as I slowly glanced up at him ended it with a respectful 90 degree bow.

"Mian, mian sorry about bumping into you I was running late at my class" you couldn't stop as you were really embarrassed at myself at this occasion.

"it's okay I'm running late too see you later" he flashes me a gummy smile before running like a old man towards his class making me giggled under my breath not audible for him to notice. He's really cute and adorable that beautiful mint hair with that box glasses that matches his face shape perfectly and his pair of breathtakingly dark brown orbs that's gazing at me adoringly. And the way he smiles at me like he's genuinely happy to see me despite of meeting just a second ago. Wait what am I thinking I'm late.

Introduced your self said by tall woman in front of the class with a high pitched voice. While all of students on this room glanced at me. Awkwardly standing in the middle of the room. I decide to speak to end this torture already. "Hi I'm Y/N please take care of me" I uttered with a shy voice. You look around and there all looking at you, you ignored them and you sit down to your chair beside the window away from the emerging stares that's glaring at you. "I hope I can see him again" you said to your self. While looking outside through the window.

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