Part 27: Memories

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Yoongi where are you

I can't see you anywhere

I already have the food baske-

Your eyes grew in shock when you see him kissing a girl behind the palm tree. You suddenly dropped the food basket and it all scattered on the white sand.

He notice you and goes up to you. But
you ran as fast as you can with your eyes drench with tears streaming down your face.

Until you tripped and fall. unfortunately it's not the pale sand but a hard wooden floor.

When your but hits the hard floor. You immediately screamed in pain. Making the boys down stairs come in an instant to rescue you. The door slams open revealing the two boys. Jungkook carried you back to the bed while yoongi get the throw pillows and both of them sighed in unision.

"Sorry for walking you up this early. I fall because of having a very bad dream"

"What's the bad dream about?" Yoongi asked. Then I remembered that this day is me and Yoongi's beach date. My blood started boil when I suddenly recall the nightmare I had. I suddenly grab a pillow and throw it in Yoongi's direction.

"Yah! That hurts you know" he spat "Well My heart hurts more! and it's your fault" you walked passed them hitting your shoulders against Yoongi's and walks towards the bathroom. Leaving the boys confuse as they both looked at each other and shrug their shoulders. "I think she's sleep walking or something" he said and jungkook just nod.

You looked outside through the window for the whole one hour of car ride with yoongi. The atmosphere was quite awkward. He tried to make a conversation but instead you gave him silence. He's still has no clue of what's that dream you have earlier that you been ignoring him since this morning.

"Just spill it Y/N, how can we have fun if your not gonna talk with me this whole trip and I'm feeling sleepy. So you better talk to me or else"

"I saw you with that girl again in my dreams that's why I hate you and been ignoring you"

"That's in the pass Y/N. We need to forget it in able to move on. So please erase those thoughts from now on. Your the only woman I care about no one else"

As the holds my hands at the top of my thigh and flashes me his gummy smile to assure me. I smiled back and gaze outside window. To the beautiful sea in front of me. He parked the car and we got out and bring the pick nick basket and a blanket with us to the beach. We placed down the basket above the blanket we laid earlier. You glance to the beautiful blue sea. the calm waves and the cold breeze making you instantly forget about everything around you. Just you and yoongi in this delightful paradise having a good time while eating delicious food he prepared. It's like the old times when you both just hangout you and him staring the city of Daegu sitting on the beach on a clear night. You've always dream of going to the beach with him and now its happening but things change since then but your not here to ruin the mood but you're here to enjoy your time with him.

"Yoongi I'm sorry about earlier, this is really nice it makes me really serene for some reason"

"Well I'm glad you liked it. You said before that this is your dream date that's why I picked this location. It's gonna be more fun than eating fancy dinner"

"tell me about it, But your right this so refreshing and calming, but it's not fun yet, let's make it's fun"

You didn't let him speak and pulled him up and you dragged him near the shore. He get out of your grip and intertwined his hands with yours instead. You both run at the shore holding hands. The birds starts chirping and the ocean waves lightly touched out bare feet. Your wavy brown locks being blown by the wind in slow motion. He stop on his tracks making you suddenly stop too. You felt his soft hands gently touched your cheeks and removes the strands of your hair that's in your face. He gaze at your eyes deeply. You instantly got lost in his alluring dark orbs.

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