Part 28: Heartstrings

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You smiled to yourself as he suddenly hold your hands slowly intertwining his fingers around yours. Then he smiles widely at
you. Earning a lovely smile from you too. Both of you walked while holding each other's hands to the park where pink colored trees like Sakura can be seen. You felt instant happiness when you saw the pretty pinkish leaves slowly falling. One of them softly landed on your open palms. You gently removes your hands to jungkook's grip and touched the delicate flower and lift it to the air and blow it after. You don't know why but that makes you cheery inside. You finished your thoughts and glance at him.

"Kookie, What are we doing here today?"

"I love when you call me that, anyways we're doing a lot of fun stuff today but I wanna keep it as a surprise for now. I know you can't wait for the kis-"

"Shut up kookie,  just buy me ice cream"

"whatever you say babygirl" I just stared at him in disbelief. He just laugh it off and held my hands bringing me to the nearest Ice cream shop. "What flavor do you want I actually prefer plain flavors like vanilla" He said while cutely looking at the flavors presented in the pictures. "That's boring, I'm completely opposite to yours I like mine with a lot of ingredients and toppings like ultimate cookie dough or super salted caramel with A lot of almonds in it" I said while pointing at the endless choice of ice creams behind the glass. "That's cute, you even memorize the exact name of what flavors you like" I smiled at him. He looked back at me showing his cute bunny smile. Which makes my heart jump every time.

"I think they actually have your ultimate cookie dough" he buy the ice cream and handed it to me. Not even five minutes passed by I already devoured the whole cone of the delicious sweet flavored frozen food. He looked at me in awe. "How did you even do that you look like a hungry piggy while eating that" I glared at him and crossed my arms. "What do you mean hungry piggy?"

I'm gonna show him that I'm not a freaking hungry piggy,  you chose the wrong person to tease jeon jungkook.

"I did it mean it to sound lik-" I cut his words and leisurely licked the ice cream dripping down from his cone to his hands. Of course not  breaking the eye contact. I want to make him uncomfortable as possible. I gaze at him with innocent eyes which left him stun. He's literally frozen he didn't speak or move once. I started to get worried that I didn't even get a slight reaction from him. What did I do that affected him so much. "Will you excuse me I need to go to the bathroom, I'll be taking my time if you don't mind" I nod as I watch him suddenly runs to the toilet. "He better not take long. I hate being alone in a crowded ice cream shop" but the someone suddenly walked up to me and...

Jungkook POV
We were talking about her eating that ice cream so fast so I decided to tease her but when I did it immediately backfired. When she suddenly licked the ice cream in my hands while staring straight to my eyes at the same time. I couldn't help but to blush from the sudden act she pulled. I didn't show her any reaction because I don't want her to know that I'm actually liking it even though it's suppose to get me mad by her pulling this stunt. I shrug off my thoughts and walked back to her.

When I saw random guy all over her. So close that if she tries to move their nose will touch each other. She's looks uncomfortable by the closeness of this guy trying to flirt with her. "You! Get away from her she clearly doesn't want you, you punk!" I quickly runs up to him and not even thinking I punched him in the face. He instantly falls to the ground while he groans in pain.

She immediately stopped me by punching this jerk one last time. I glance at her and asked if she's hurt. She gaze at me softly and I hugged her tightly in my arms. As I kick back at the man behind me. Surprisingly He's still laying there as I heard another faint groan from him. We left that place before we get kicked out.

"I'm really sorry Y/N I shouldn't left you there by yourself, looked what happened I'm such in idiot for only thinking of my self" he said while gently grasping my shoulders.

"I'm fine kookie, don't worry nothing really happened, thank god you came to save me before he could do something else"

"You know that I always here to protect you babygirl, nothings bad is going to happen from now own. You're safe with me"

"I really appreciate everything you said but what I don't appreciate is you calling me babygirl because that's what he labeled me earlier"

"I'm sorry ba- I mean Y/N, you will never heard the name from now on I promise"

"Thank you kookie" I said and give him
a weak smile. "I know your hungry it's already passed lunch, where do you wanna eat?" He asked "I want to eat spicy ramen from the convenience store over there they actually have delicious instant ramen" he looks at me confuse "it's that really what you want for our first date. I kinda want it to be special and go to a fancier place to eat" I looked at him with a bored face.

"Jungkook I don't want a food to be anything more expensive than my rent. Ramen is what I need right now, I want eat" he chucked at my cute venting. "Ramen then, but before I buy you food you need to catch me" He sprinted to the nearest convenience store as I run behind him not even close to how fast that man can run. "Yah! Jungkook your so fast wait for me your freaking bunny" I shouted at him.

After we ate ramen and talked for hours laughing about some none sense things.
We didn't realize the sun had already gone down. We head outside it was calm and peaceful night. Not until It started raining we didn't bring anything to cover our selves with like an umbrella or even a jacket.

"I knew this would happen. I was checking the weather forecast earlier. But still didn't bring an umbrella because I don't wanna be bothered by holding it" As I suddenly felt a hands hit my shoulders lightly.

"Why didn't you tell me, I should've hold it or something and now we're gonna be wet" I once more hit his arms playfully.

"Can you stop Y/N, If you don't stop I'm going to kiss you" I glance at him but did it stop me from throwing light punches on his chest. "You deserve this for being sloth" I said then he glared at me. "I may be a sloth but I'm a handsome one" I cackled at him once again. but then he stoped me and pulled my body closing the gap between us. He wraps his hands around my waist giving it a little squeeze. Making me gasp and finding myself enjoying his touch. He leans down his face to mine so he's the same height as me. And pressed his glossy lips against mine gently caressing it together. The kiss was full of passion yet delicate. You broke the kiss and dart your eyes somewhere. As you felt a red with pink colored hue rushed to your cheeks. Then you reminisce  that you just kissed him not only him but the three of them in just a span of a week. You felt a strange feeling inside you. But you snapped out of your thoughts when you remembered your still in the middle of the rainy streets.

"We need to go back to the store and buy some umbrella" he grabs your hand and you both run inside the nearest store.

We got home, he kissed my hand softly before his body get lured instantly by the soft couch and then he sink right in and drifted to dreamland. I walked my way upstairs and change my clothes. When I laid my body
Comfortably at the cloud like mattress. My mind wondered to the three man that I give a chance to date me in this pass few days not that I'm a goddess to them that they're willing to give their all just to make me happy. But why do all of them making me feel some type of way. It's a different feeling to every single one of them.

With jimin he makes me laugh endlessly without him even trying maybe he got it from Hoseok's cheeriness. He's a real sweetheart but can be schorching hot at the same time. With Yoongi he never fails to make me blush by his modest words that gives me overflowing butterflies in my stomach and lastly with jungkook he makes me feel an overwhelming sense of security. I feel loved and protected in his arms. It's that possible to have feelings to these three man in my life at the same time.

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