Part 15: Coffee

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Jimin I want to tell you something...

jungkook do you wanna say something?
Is there something bothering you?


Ah, yes do you wanna go outside? I mean tomorrow we can go somewhere like a park or something, I'm kinda bored just sitting around jungkook uttered and i took a deep sigh

I'm afraid I can't accept your offer Y/N is not really a fan of the outside that's why she's always at home and doesn't really to talk to people she doesn't know. jimin said

oh i didn't know that why? Jungkook uttered

I'm honored that I can be her friend and boyfriend even when we're started dating, instead of going to the cinemas we just watch it at home and that's why she's good at cooking because she doesn't want to go outside to buy.
I buy the food and I help her cook it. I just want to make her comfortable as possible.
that's one thing I like about her she's unique it's not helping that's she's beautiful also.
jimin proudly said

I looked over to jungkook listening in awe at Jimin's statement while nodding his head jungkook seems to agree or relate somehow as he change his expression from a smirking face to a cute bunny. I really don't know how he did that so fast.

- -

Are you sure your okay with this. jimin said while holding my hand giving me a reassurance smile, I just nod and give him a smile.

As we walk to the park it's actually less people than I expected just a couple kids with their kites flying to the sky and a couples under the tree, it's looks really peaceful today as I roam my eyes around I saw I playground. smile suddenly appears to my lips then it turns to sad again, I never actually played on the playground mom never actually let me maybe because it reminds her of my dad they actually met their and started their little love story, she was calling my dad and he turns around and she said that he's really handsome and doesn't wanna pass the opportunity and after that they started dating I thinks its a really cute love story.

Y/N stand right there I'm gonna take a picture of you. jungkook would mind joining her as a start of a new friendship. Jimin said

I looked at jungkook he hesitated at first but quickly runs over me and carried me. smoothly scoop my feet up and his other hand is on my back as he hold me up and just smiled, jimin is so focused looking at the photo smiling Jungkook put me down but before I could go he holds my wrist and said.

If you think that I saved your ass last night you're wrong now you owe me something.

Y/N where do wanna go? maybe the cafe down the street like we always do. jimin uttered

I'll buy you a coffee! I said looking at jungkook and jimin looked at me and then jungkook

Yah! I should be the one your asking if you wanna buy me a coffee. jimin uttered

After a while at the cafe jimin's phone rings and he answered it quickly and signal that he has to leave and he's gone just like that didn't even say a thing I decided to stand up from my seat but before I could I was pushed down back to the chair he looks at me with a caring eyes not wanting me to leave and with that i make myself comfortable in my sit and i glare at him.

"thank you for the coffee" I just looked at him confuse what is he talking about
and I'm sorry for last night I mean for the whole time that I'm annoying you it's just really fun teasing you. I'm kidding don't look at me like that. jungkook said

Are you done? I uttered

no, I didn't know that your afraid of the outside or it's that how you called it. don't worry you're not the only one I was to but not after I fight my way to it. I tried to go outside almost everyday and learning to get comfortable with the outside I was scared be because you know I was bullied before and everything changed when I moved to Seoul and meet jimin he's really an angel he helped me through the hardest part of my life that's why he's my best friend not until we fought because I tried to achieve my dream. is that wrong?

I don't think it's wrong, but why are you telling me this? don't get me wrong I appreciate you opening up to me I really do. I said looking slightly confuse as he continues his story putting his hand on top of mine. but now that I met you I finally have someone that I can tell my worries to, that I can trust, do you trust me? I nodded

he leans closer to my face and then he lick his lips before tilting his head and I just close my eyes and let him kissed me
It's was a short kiss almost a peck but still full of love, he pulled away after a few seconds, me still closing my eyes still feeling the his soft lips agains mine, I still can't believe of what just happened.

Y/N I like you....


Should she tell jimin or
should she keep it a secret.
what do you think?

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