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It all started from a little fight.Let me take you guys back to the day where you first met him...


"GET OUT OF MY WAAAY!"you yelled at every person who came into view.You were running at who knows maybe 100m/s.What had happened?well...

6:00 am,and you were in the world of your dreams. A perfect dream in which your Prince charming comes and saves you from something horrible.Even though it was just a dream still your drool managed to reach your neck.

Ting:you have received a voice male from 'That thing'

Your phone rang.You tugged your hand out from the comforter and picked it up.It was mail from Kim Taehyung. He was your best friend since First year of middle school.You both also had another best friend named Jeon Jungkook, but he was in a class behind,since he was younger.

You opened it and a male's voice gushed all over you.


All of a sudden you jumped out of the bed and ran to change into your uniform.Within seconds you were ready and running downstairs.You stopped at the entrance and made a messy bun,then you picked your school bag,swung it around your left arm and pushed your feet into your shoes.

"Y/N...Honey you're up so early?"your mom came out of the kitchen,shocked to see you up so early.

"Eomma,I don't have time to taaaalk....I'm leaving,bye!"you ran outside the door.

Your ran through the side walk pushing everyone.You looked pretty horrible cause you had forgotten to wash your face.Well,you didn't care cause it was about Jungkook. A guy you had liked since the second year of your middle school.You were best friends but due to the age difference you never had the courage to say anything to him.One time you were ready,you were all prepared to confess,but the moment you walked up to the rooftop,you saw him kissing a girl.You knew he had liked her for a while,she was pretty and hot while you were pretty but brains.You moved back and ran away...and you never confessed,you all were in highschool by now.

Now you were running at sonic-speed.You reached the school in just ten minutes.It was 6:17 am.You were panting pretty hard.You looked around and saw Tae. He was standing with his head pinned down.

"Tae! where's Jungkook?what happened?"you asked,grabbing his shoulders,tight.

"Y/NNN!"he lifted his face up.A horrible expression was written at his face.You were shocked at the ugly face he had made.


"Jungkook's-"he curved his lips.

"JUNGKOOK'S-"for a moment you thought that maybe his girl friend had broken up with him.

"Jungkook's-"he was about to continue,you had your hopes up,"his beetle lost."

"Huh!"you looked at Tae's face confused."Who lost?"you were dumbstruck.

"Jungkook's beetle had a fight with Yoongi's beetle...The dude was going pretty good but sadly he lost!"Tae pouted.He,then walked over to sit by a disappointed Jungkook.

"It's alright,dude.You'll win next time."He patted Jungkook's back

"Thanks,"Jungkook whispered.Both of them smiled at each other.Well I guess they had forgotten about you.

"It's gonna be alright!...right Y/N?"both of them looked at you.


You had a strange black aura around you.Your hair were moving in a wave like motion and your teeth had become razor sharp.Your eyes were red,even redder then blood.

"Hyung?'Jungkook looked at Tae,terrified.

"Run!"Tae shouted and both of them dashed out of the school

"GET OUT OF MY WAAAY!"you yelled at every person who came into view. You were running at who knows maybe 100m/s."YOU WAKE ME UP AT 6 IN THE MORNING TO CALL ME OVER TO SCHOOL FOR A STUPID FIGHT YOU LOST!...AARGH! I DIDN'T EVEN EAT MY BREAKFAST...I KNOW(smirk)I'LL EAT A TAE-JUNG SUSHI ROLL!"you yelled running after them.

They looked at each other. Jungkook gestured something to Tae and he nodded in response.Both of them ran crossing the road,although the signal was not even red.You kept on running after them.They crossed the road to the other side,while you were still behind.Both of them turned to look at you,they had expected that you had stopped and waited for the signal but no,you were in middle of the road.The color of their faces dropped when a huge truck came towards you.

"Y/N!"both of them screamed in unison.You stopped and looked at the truck heading in your direction.Your feet froze and you tugged yourself in a shell shape.You were shivering cause at any moment you were going to be hit.You wanted to move but your body parts were not obeying you.The driver applied brakes but you were too close.

"Hyung!"Jungkook ran after Tae,who had ran over to save you.

"Y/N!"he screamed at the top of his lungs,you looked up.And then...Jungkook pulled a screaming Tae,back.The truck had passed the place you were.It was skidding as the driver applied brakes.Only your school bag was there,crushed.

People gathered around the scene. Everyone was shocked cause the victim was not lying dead...actually she was nowhere to be seen. Tae and Jungkook ran over to there.

"Uhhh...Where is she?"Jungkook asked scared and confused.

Tae couldn't speak,his throat was dry and tears were falling down.He moved his head sideways as 'I don't know."


"Look!there's someone in the sky!"people pointed to something in the sky.

"It's Y/N"Jungkook and Tae said in unison,again.

You were flying up in the sky...actually it wasn't you the one flying,it was the guy holding you that was flying.

"You can look up..you're safe now,"he whispered in your ear.You looked up.You were high in the sky and a guy wearing a mask,a hoodie and black-sunglasses,was holding you.

"Huh....who are you?"you inquired,tightening your grip around his shoulders.He also tightened his grip around your waist.Your eyes locked into his brown orbs.

"Uhh...call me Anpanman!"he giggled slightly.


A/N: Hi!..so the album came and Anpanman turned out to be my fav song. Most of the people love FAKE LOVE and so do I but Anpanman it is.Tell me about your fav song as well and also if you liked the story.

Also check out my other story Vamprel you can find it in my profile..since I don't know how to link it...XD

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