11. Fake Crush!

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You guys were having summer break. Things settled down to normal. You hadn't seen Anpan after that night. It had been two weeks by now. Guess he had a habit of only showing up when something bad would happen, except for the last time though. Who was he? Why was he helping you in the first place?

"Psst!"Tae elbowed you making you snap out of your thoughts. You looked up at him. He was helping you wrap the cakes. You hadn't been at the bakery for a very long time, so now it needed some help.

"Hmm?"you put a pastry in the second row to the left. "What's on your mind?"he studied your movements.


"You're lost in something again,"he whispered, crossing over from above you, his left hand intruding your personal space and placing a doughnut in the top shelf. You turned 360 degrees. Your eyes collided with his. He knew you too well. And so did you. "I'm fine,"you turned your gaze over to the wall behind him.

"You can stop lying,"his voice was intense, his eyes saw through you. "I'm just thinking of going somewhere,"you lied. He knew you were lying, but he didn't push you to tell him why. He moved in closer,"Really?"he smirked.

His smirk was a red alert for you. You couldn't help but stare at him. You never looked at him so closely nor did you notice that he was so handsome. He saw the blush creep over your cheek.

'What are you thinking,Y/N?'he struggled mentally. Then it hit him. He moved in closer, till your back hit the top of the counter. He took another step, okay this step was dangerous and it was not going to be taken cause the moment his muscle moved a guy just entered from the door. The door bell rang and Tae stepped back. You swung back immediately as you saw Tae's expression stiffen at the sight of the person who just came in.

Your jaw dropped the moment you saw him. He was wearing a plain black T-shirt with grey trousers and slippers. His hair seemed to be messed up as well.

"What are you doing here?"you asked in the most irritated manner. "Oh is that how you entertain your guests,Ms.Choi?"he repressed his smirk.

"I-uh...Welcome to "The Bakeristics",how may we serve you?"you had a hard time keeping your mouth shut with a fake smile. You bowed and he smirked. He walked up to the counter.

His eyes were stuck, almost staring at the person behind you. "I didn't know you worked here,Y/N,"he acted surprised.


"It's my mom's bakery, how may I help you,Mr.Park?"you asked, still keeping up the fake smile.

"Pack two doctor desserts and,"he smirked at Tae,"do you have anything home baked?"

"All of these cakes are baked by me and my mother,"you took two desserts and packed them.

"Oh I'd like a piece of brownie as well then." You nodded. You tried to not act up.

"Does, Mr.Kim, work here as well?"he asked Tae. Tae sighed before answering,"I don't,Mr.Park."

"I see,"he took the package and payed. "Oh well then students,"he waved,"please continue with whatever you two were doing before,"he winked and left, making you and Tae burst into anger. You were angry. Super angry, as if Mr.Park's existence made your blood boil. He acted too high and it pissed you off. Tae on the other hand always felt that Mr.Park was a competition. He never felt like leaving you alone with that pervert.

"He's just!"you groaned,"I hate him!" Tae nodded in agreement,"I don't blame you."

You walked a few steps away from Tae,"Okay what was that about?"you crossed your arms. "What?"he playfully acted like he knows nothing. "You know what I mean!"

"I don't!"

"Kim Taehyung!"you raised an eyebrow at him. "Okay okay!I was just teasing you...I was flirting like other guys do!"

"Mhm...keep talking,"you still had that pissed off face. "Ah,"he clicked his tongue,"I was just messing with you...actually I wanted to try flirting,"he looked away. You knew he was hiding something.

"Wha-"you saw his face, yup he was shy,"TAE WHO IS SHE?"you asked all of a sudden. He looked at you in shock.

She still can't see it. Is she blind?

His look was unbelievable. How could someone be so blunt? But the look on your face made him give in. It was and would always be the best friend zone. He saw you gushing over to him and hug him. You jumped on him and he caught you."Hey! TIGER!"he laughed,"slow down!"

"NO!Who is she?"you were hyped,"is she pretty?is she prettier than me?Does she go to our school?"You threw questions at him. That made him want to throw you off a cliff, but he'd do anything to keep those arms cuddling even if that meant faking his crush.

"Uh she's a T.V actress,"he felt like he'd burst into laughter any moment. "Oh buddy I'm afraid I can't help you here,"you felt sorry for him.


He rolled his eyes,"Forget it...I have to take care of some stuff at dad's garage,"he walked pass you. "What?Tae!"you called out for him but he just took his jacket and walked out. Joy came in the moment he left, his shoulder bumping into her's.

"What happened to him?"she asked, moving behind the counter with you. "He's going through puberty,I guess,"you scoffed. Joy laughed at your remark.

"Forget him, let's continue working,"you gave her an apron.

Why does he have to be a jerk?you mentally scoffed at him as you aimed to take the truth out of him by any means!


"I can't take it!she's so stupid!"he ranted. His head hurt. You were getting on his nerves. How could you be so blind? You knew everything about him. You could guess anything about him. Then why not his feelings?Why couldn't you feel the same as he felt?

"AAARGHH!"He groaned. His heart ached, you made it ache. It felt like you were so out of his reach. He buried himself in his blanket groaning and getting mad at himself for falling for a girl like you.


"So he likes someone?"Joy played with her coffee cup. You two were done with the work and treated yourselves for a good job.

"I know she's someone we all know but it seems like he's not going to tell me so easily!"you sighed in defeat.

'Wow I can't believe it you're so stupid,Y/N,'Joy gave you a fake smile as if she knew nothing. "Oh we'll get it out of him!"she tickled you. "Ahahaha!"you laughed and nodded. "I will make him tell me...even if I have to force him!"

"Ohk that's scary,"Joy laughed but the felt a weird feeling in her stomach. As if she was about to get into something she didn't expect.

From far away, he could hear your laughter, he could hear you talking about making Taehyung pay for what he did today. "Oh he made a wrong move,"he landed on the roof of the bakery,"he shouldn't try to pull something I don't like, especially making a move on,Y/N."



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