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"Get away from me!"Jungkook jerked his arm from the guy's grip."What do you think you're doing?"he yelled at him.They were pretty far from you guys by now.

"I...my friend am stealing you from your date!"the man said in that heroic tone of his,gripping Jungkook's arm again.

"DUDE! WHAT ARE YOU?INSANE?!"Jungkook couldn't believe that guy,"why would you do that?"

"I am the savior of mankind!"he boasted.

"You're crazy man!"jungkook was shocked at the stranger's behavior.

"I just want to tell you that things won't turn out well...between you two...so you should probably end everything before it starts,"the guy said in a low voice.

Jungkook couldn't answer...he was shocked and amazed."You don't have to worry about it...it's our life,we have to deal with everything our own way!...so don't worry and let me go!"he jerked his arm again and ran back to where you were, probably freaking out.You had your hopes high for this date but now you were confused as hell.

"Tae...what should I do?...Jungkook-k,where do you think Apanman took him?"you asked rubbing your palms against your dress. Tae didn't answer.You looked up but he was struck,his eyes were glued to your form with a look even more intense than Jungkook's.

"Tae!"you frowned and then snapped at his face.

"Yeah!...what?...you look beautiful...you're right!"he blabbed.


"I mean he was looking great...and who took him?"he questioned.You groaned in response cause he was helpless due to an unknown reason."You're hopeless,Tae!"You walked away and stood near a railing.You leaned over it.

Joy was probably holding her laughter."Don't even dare!"he scowled at her."Mmhm!"she moved her head sideways,looking like she'd burst out any second.

"I'm gonna pewk!"you mumbled.You couldn't understand what was happening.

'This girl has some serious intentions about you!'you wondered.

"Y/N!"a voice called out to you.

You lifted your head up and he came running towards you."Jungk-"he hugged you.

"That was probably someone insane...I'm alright...you don't have to worry!"he whispered.You felt relieved and hugged him back.A lot of people had their attention drawn to you guys by now.

"Uhh...guys!"Joy made you two back away."YOU SHOULD PROBABLY LOOK UP!"she and Tae pointed to the big screens and what an amazing scene they were showing,It was you two and the scene of you both hugging...

Both of you turned red as the scene was replayed. Jungkook running up to you and hugging your shocked from.

"Aren't they cute?!"Baekhyun asked the fans.

"Naaaay!!"they all shouted.

"So...why don't we call them on stage?"Kai smiled sheepishly,winking at you two.

EXO were standing at the stage,you guys were back at the stairs,probably 75 meters far.

"Would you guys mind clearing the way for them?!"D.O asked Exo-Ls.They all started to align and make room for you two.You were shocked and confused.You looked up to Jungkook as he extended his hand to you and gave you a bunny smile,"Shall we?"

Tears almost fell down,from the your water filled eyes making them look like shinning stars.You nodded and then he took your hand,walking up to the stage.Everyone awed at the cuteness of the couple,even Joy was fully immersed but the guy standing beside her felt empty.He couldn't smile,well he sure was pretending to but the corner of his lips hurt.But when he saw you,you were really happy,he felt happy as well.

'I hope she keeps on smiling like that!'he wished.

"So...do you mind singing for your date here?"Chen smiled at Jungkook,after you two,introduced yourselves.

"Uhhh..."he looked at you.You smiled,not knowing what to say.He took a mic and sang:

The Crowd went crazy...although it was short...it was enough to make you cry and make him hug you.

It was sweet,right?...but he stood there as the crowd swayed with the song.Looking at you and him,gazing into each other's eyes,lovingly.

"She turned out to be even more beautiful than I thought she'd be..."he smiled,looking at you hugging another guy.



Hey,so this turned out to be a very short and boring chapter...not the best update,right?

I'm kind of not allowed to update...my parents aren't allowing me...like literally I'm doing this in a very secret place,right now.Don't tell anyone cause it's a secret,okay?...Lmao


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