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*Ting*...*Vibrating sound of your phone*

"Urghhh!...it's Saturday morning!"you groaned picking your phone up.

*A text from Jeon Jungkook* you fell down from your bed with a thud.

"AAAAH!"you screamed the moment you read the text.'How could you forget!'...(you forget a lot....keep that in mind.)

"We're going to an EXO concert...TODAY!"you ran up and jumped on your bed.

"Y/NNNN! are you okay?"Your mom ran into your room.She was holding a pepper spray and a knife.'Where is the thief?"she exclaimed.

You stopped all of a sudden,confused,"Mom...it's not a thief!"

"Huh!..."she looked around the room then calmed down.She walked up to your bed and sat beside you.

She had been worried since you told her what happened yesterday.Someone from your school informed her.You wondered who it was.

"Then what is it?"

"It's a text from Jungkook!"you smirked.

She gasped,"What did he say?"

"He asked me out...we're going on an EXO concert!"You both squealed in excitement.

"Really?...that's amazing!I can't believe it...when are you two going?"she asked with the same excitement.

"Oh....tonight!"you smiled.

"AAAAAH!...GIRL GET DRESSED!"she pulled your blanket from beneath you.You twirled and fell down face planted.

"THIS IS NO TIME TO GO BACK TO SLEEP YOUNG LADY!"she yelled at you and then stormed out of your room.

'I can't believe it she's my mother not my best friend!'you giggled.She's crazy like me but she's always there to calm me.You smiled.


When you returned to your place yesterday.You were unlocking the door with the spare key you had.

"I'm home,Eomma!"you yelled out to her.All of a sudden the earth started to rumble."An earthquake!"you exclaimed,worried.But no it wasn't.

"Y/nnnnn!"your mother came running downstairs.She was crying.

"Eomma!...are you okay?"you asked as she hugged you.

"I was so worried!"she sobbed.

"What happened?"

"The accident...I got call from your school.It was a teacher I guess...But they told me you were almost hit by a truck...I was so worried but they told me you were s-safe"her voice filled up on the last words.

"I'm fine,Eomma,"you whispered kissing her forehead.She was as scared as Taehyung. You hugged her tightly.She hugged back,still sobbing.

"Eomma...someone saved me...a superhero!"you moved back and smiled at her.

"What?"she wiped her face.You helped her wipe it.

"It was a guy...he saved me and flew up..high in the sky!"you raised your hands up showing her how far he took you.She laughed."I'm glad someone saved you..."

"Yeah!"you laughed.

"By the way...did someone push you on the street?"

"Oh..no I was crossing it as I-"*SMACK IN THE HEAD*

My Anpanman ; Maknae Line x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now