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The guy brought you back to the ground,safe and sound.The moment your feet touched the ground he let go of you.You walked one step and then turned to thank him.

"Uhh...thank you for saving me!"you said a bit shy.He responded with an eye smile."You're welcome."

You bowed to show your respect.The moment you lifted your head up,he was gone."Anpanman?"You looked around but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Y/NNNNN!"a pair of arms hugged you from behind.You turned to look at him,he looked cute with tears in his eyes."Please don't scare me like that!"he sniffed."AISH!PABO..I'M ALRIGHT!"you answered,smiling.Still he sobbed.

You turned around and hugged him back.You rested your chin on his shoulder as he hugged your waist tightly.You smiled knowing how freaked out he was,so were you.Then your eyes fell upon the appearance you had adorned the most.His nose was read and tears threatened to fall any second from his eyes.He was standing there,panting and his eyes were locked in your's.You blinked slowly telling that you were fine and he smiled in return.

Tae broke away from his hug.He was still crying."AISH!don't cry..I'm fine,"You cupped his face.He nodded in response.People had gathered around the scene.Even the police were there. After a small interrogation you guys were allowed to leave.You three ran over to school almost making it in time.


"Naay..Y/N,"Tae poked your arm.

"Hmm."you hummed with your pencil in your mouth.

"Do you know who saved you?"he moved closer.He sat beside you.

"I don't know since he was wearing a mask but I know his name,"you turned your face to him.

"Really..what is it?"he whispered.

"Anpanman,"you whispered back."What?"he said out loud.

"Mr.Kim and Ms.Choi...I suppose you two have some interesting news to share with the whole class?"your English teacher pointed at the both of you.

"We're sorry,Ms.Eun,"both of you apologized.

"Aish...first you two are not doing that well in class and now you're not even paying attention!"she yelled at you both from across her desk,"get out of my class...NOW!"

And so you both were standing out in the hallways. Tae elbowed you and you hit him in the head.

"Ouch!what was that for?"he hissed.

"That's for making me get punishment...Tae I've been trying so hard to get Ms.Eun to like me but you always ruin it!"you glared at him.

"That's why I'm your best friend,"he gave you a box smile.

"Whatever,"you rolled your eyes.Then you looked down at your feet.First you thought of the Anpanman,then of the accident and then of the look on Jungkook's face when Tae had hugged you.You knew he worried about you but that look,it seemed like a question to you.You were still looking at your feet when someone else's shoes came in front of your's.

"Yah!why do love the hallway so much?"

"Ugh!"you groaned.How much you hated that voice,you looked up and formed a fake smile.

"We are really sorry Mr.Park. Ms.Eun didn't like us in her class!"you smiled,still fake.

His lips formed into a smirk,"Well,I can't blame her..."he moved back and winked,"besides who'd like a nut job,right?"And he left.

"Y/N,"Tae elbowed you again,"Why do you and Mr.Park don't get along?"

"Cause he's a lame a** math teacher whose only working to make female students fall for him...although he sucks at math!"you sneered in the direction he had walked.

"I've heard that his father is the CEO of some technology company,"Tae looked at you.

"Really...that lame dude's dad is a CEO!"your eyes widened as Tae gave you a nod.

"Some people are born with the devil's luck,aren't they?"you sighed.

"They are..."he sighed as well.

The bell rang and Ms.Eun left her class.She glared at the two of you as she passed beside you both.Both of you rolled your eyes in unison.

"I hate her,"Tae said leading back to class.

"So do I...besides wh-"you stopped in the middle of your sentence as someone certain ran beside you.Her shoulder hit your's.You saw that she was crying.

"Who was that?"Tae raised himself a bit looking in her direction.

"That was...Hyun jae!"you almost jumped.

Why?...cause she was Jungkook's girlfriend.You looked in her direction as well.

You felt a pat at your shoulder.It was Joy,your female best friend but she was in another class.Both of you got separated in your second year of highschool.

"Yah!...Joy-ah,why was Hyun jae crying?"you blurted out the moment you turned.

"Oh!that Jungkook broke up with her this morning.I don't know but they seemed pretty happy together."

"What?"a smile appeared on your face.Joy and Tae looked at you with suspicious look.Like they were thinking'Why do I think I know the reason behind that smirk of your's?'

'Jungkook..break-up..single'your cheeks turned red at this thought.You guys were sitting in the cafeteria by now but you seemed awkwardly happy.

Jungkook entered the cafe,he seemed quiet."JUNGKOOK-AH!"Tae waved at him and he walked towards you guys.

Your heart beat started to rise the moment he sat beside you.You peeked at him and he also peeked at you.

"Y/N..."he finally spoke.

"Hmm?"you looked at him.

"Can we meet at the rooftop?"


"Uhhh...sure,when do you want to meet?"you blushed.

"After school's over!"


A/N:Hi!..did you guys like this chapter or was it fantastic.

Okay I'll give you a choice.Was it good or was it good?...huh?

So.keep reading to know what Jungkook has to say?..also who do you guys think is the Anpanman?..okay I know that seems like a really,really stupid question.

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