chapter 9

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I finally got my breathing under control. I felt Luke holding my hand. My panic attack was so bad that my sight was temporarily seemed taken away from me.

  I didnt even notice that Luke led us to a porch swing that was on the balcony. He had been patiently waiting until I was okay to say anything. He had a tissue in his hand that he must have been wiping my tears with because it was covered in mascara.

   I looked around at our surroundings and relize we weren't even 10 feet from the door. The party still in full swing.
The trees that was around the lodge had twinkling lights on them. Making the forest look warm and inviting.

I finally got the courage to look up at Luke. But as soon as I did I started laughing.

"What's so funny?" He asked laughing himself.

   "I said no to being your mate, and Luna of our pack because I thought i was so weak it just wasnt the right place for me. Then we come here and i find out that I'm suppose to be Luna Queen of many many packs. And I'm mated to the future Alpha King." I shook my head in disbelief.

He started laughing harder and patted my knee.

   "Yeah, that's pretty funny." He admitted. He looked to see if I was still laughing. Wich I wasnt.

"But Callie, I never saw you as weak. Your panic attacks and anxiety.. doesnt make you weak. It just makes you that much more stronger then the rest of us." He shrugged his shoulders.
I smiled at him tears in my eyes. I've alway felt like a weakest link part of the pack. 
He took my hands in his and brought them up to his mouth to kiss my hands.

   "You deserve the absolute best mate, and I want to make sure you are happy. Sometimes you forget no one can be happy unless you are happy. And I dont want 'Future King Clown' in there to fuck it up. I want to make sure your happiness is put first." Luke shrugged and looked down at the floor.

"The only way I put my happiness first is if I give myself a chance at being happy.. and that terrifies me." I admitted.

It made me want to cry. I was so scared of being happy, I didnt want it to get tore away from me.

"But take a step and be brave and give him a chance. I bet he cant be all that bad." He stood up pulling me up with him.

   I nodded and hugged Luke, he gladly hugged me.
After a moment he let me go and pushed me to the side. I got tingles up my spine like we were being watch.

I looked over my shoulder to see Klaus standing ther with his hands stuffed in his pockets. I felt that he wasnt happy.
He looked like he was having a hard time controlling his wolf.

   This wasnt what either of us meeting each other. Me in the arms of another male. Especially my ex. But he thought we were mates from what Luke told him at the airport.

   Luke put his fist over his heart and bowed.
"Alpha Prince, it is such a pleasure meeting you again. I'm-"

"Luke Franklin, future alpha of the mountain moon pack. I know you. Calliope's 'mate' didnt you say?" He asked through his teeth. 

   Oh boy he was mad. I dont blame him, Luke shouldn't have lied, and then he found us hugging. Wich to a wolf another hugging your mate is almost as bad as cheating. Freaking wolves, jealousy gets the better of all of us.

"Well.. you see i-" Luke got cut off again by Klaus' growl.

I had to laugh wich seemed to confuse Klaus for a moment.  It caught him off gaurd. So I spoke up.

"He lied. He was just trying to keep other males off me until I met my mate. Since he is a future alpha, you understand that it's just being protective." I looked to Luke and gave him a look. 'Karma' I mouthed to him.

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