Chapter 10

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I noticed Klaus' awed struck expression when he looked at me.

I couldn't help but smile and ask, "What is it?"

He didnt seem like the guy to just gwak over a girl.

He smiled as if he was trying to hold back a laugh and he shook his head. We kept on walking side by side down the trail.

But the smile disappeared too soon. His eyes became unfocused, someone was mind linking him.

Klaus sighed and glanced at me looking worried. I felt the mood change between us.

Suddenly he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to a stop.

"We are going to have to talk.. before going back." His voice came out sounding no longer soft and sweet.

I felt my body tense as I looked up at him for a moment. I knew this moment was coming. My happy bubble has been popped.

I took a deep breath before saying, "Okay, let's talk."

His expression hardened as if trying to hide something.

"Things are about to change," he stated watching my expression carefully.
I wanted to roll my eyes. Duh, Im the mate of the future Alpha King, I knew my life was never going to be the same.

"There will be alot of attention on you, on us. And things could be stressful.." he continued. He looked down taking my hand in his.

"You could avoid all of this, by rejecting me. " it seemed he struggled with the last bit. His voice was strained a bit.

For some reason I felt relieved. He was giving me a choice. He wasnt the one rejecting me.

For some reason I started laughing. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"I'm sorry! I thought you were rejecting me!"

He found amusement in this. "You thought, I would reject you?"

I nodded and held up my free hand up to stop him from saying something. "Before you say anything let me explain." He gave me a nod and let me continue.

"I suffer from anxiety, I'm not confident in myself. I'm not strong and I swear I'm the biggest push over you will ever meet. I cant say no. I hate how I feel is I disappoint anyone. i get overwhelmed easily. I cant handle attention on me. I overthink and stress out over everything." I let it all spill out.
"And for goodness sakes! When you first saw me I was puking my guts out in a airport trash can!"

I looked up at him and saw him laughing now.

"So if anyone rejects anyone, it should be you more then me." I finished. I was trying to be serious. But his laughter was contagious, I couldnt help but laugh with him.

He suddenly he wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me in close.

Our laughter faded. My head rested on his bare chest.

I focused on my breathing feeling my anxiety suddenly heighten.

"So, Future Luna Queen.. My Calliope.." I felt him lean down to kiss me on top of my hair.

I laughed once. Wich it sounded breathless. He called me Luna Queen. And then his voice sounded husky when he said my name. Its like he could almost make me have a panic attack yet keep me calm at the same time.

"Let's take this slowly, learn with each step we make. Being my mate wont be easy, and I know this. We will have to have a more serious conversation.. but later. As for right now, " he reached up with one hand and made me tilt my head back so I could look at him.

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