chapter 25

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     "Swim?" I asked outloud.

   Klaus had started putting a back pack together as soon as he read what the letter said.
     A pair of clothes for both he and i, wich i didnt even want to think about him going threw the suitcases diffani packed. I knew there was certain things in there thay was lacy and such that would totally give him the wrong idea. If i would have known i would have cound my mate i wouldnt have picked such things.

      I blushed feeling embarrassed but i continued to stand by thw window watching as Klaus put water bottles,a big wad of money, a few protien bars, a map and a compass in the backpack. He went to turn the house lights off while i sat there trying to come to terms with this.

   "We're on the run basically, running away from the paparazzi and the rouges." I blurted out.

He stopped in his tracks and looked at me apologetically.


"Ok. So swim...but in what direction?" I asked.
He let out one hard laugh as if he was having a hard time with the plan.

" lucinda told me dont make decisions. She must have seen us swimming to safety." He shrugged.

  He came and reached to put his hand on my cheek. "Im sorry but im not taking any more chances. Putting you in danger i cant almost loose you. Ever. '' he said sternly.

I stared into his eyes for a moment before i nodded once and put my hand on his.  After that he went back to making sure we had everything.

After i went to change into some more athletic clothes to keep us warm threw the night while we swam, we went to the lakes edge.

  I was wearing athletic black legging, and a black long sleeve shirt. I had gave my tennis shoes to Klaus to be put in the water proof bag so they would be dry for when we got to land.

   Klaus had on some athletic pants as well as a shirt that clung to him. I swear  i honestly didnt think he would look any better then when i first saw him.

Everything around us was calm and quiet, we never smelt anyones scent so we knew it was safe to go. The moonlight was the only sorce of light we had. But it was enough. Everything seemed so beautiful.

  We slowly waded i to the water and it got to our torso's before Klaus turned and picked me up and kissed me hard.

  Like it was a passionate hot messy kiss almost.

    I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

   It only took a moment of my heart pounding fiercely for me to forget what was going on. We made out for a few minutes before i had to pull away gasping for air.

  He chuckled. "That will only get harder and harder for us to pull away from."

   I knew what he was talking about. And it made me blush. Our mating bond was growing tired of us. We had known each other for more then enough time to mate and we hadnt. So it would only get stronger from here.
  And if we didnt i would go into heat to make it almost impossible for me to resist him and him resist me.

  Heat is a painful experience more painful then birth. Alot of she wolves could go mad if the heat isnt satified with our mates comfort.  We go into heat befoee we know our mate but its not as bad and we just have to stay away from males for a minute or so. But it gets intense when we try to hold off on mating.

Klaus set me down and sighed. "Its time to get back to business."

  I nodded and we slowly started swimming out to the middle of the lake.

  It was a big lake so it took a few good minutes before being where we needed to be. I looked back from where we came and i saw the little lake house in the distance. We would have to come back if possible. I liked it there.

  I also saw the lights  from the big cabin where the mating ball was being held.

   It made me somewhat mad that our week hadnt gone the way it was suppose too. But i was also glad it didnt work out.  I wasnt looking forward to coming back to it.

    "Calliope!" i looked over to see Klaus had stopped when he relized i was right there with him.

But he seemed to be staring behind me in zuch a way that made my stomache drop to my butt.
What i wasnt paying attention to that there was a small motor boat coming our way from the shores direction.

"Swim! fast!"  He shouted and we started swimming. As fast as i could Klaus stayed by my side.

I could hear the boat getting closer and closer. We werent going to make it. It was going to catch us. But i made sure to keep swimming with all my might.

   When it got closer Klaus had stopped and turned back around his facial features already forming into his wolves. He was very angry, he was scared also i could feel his emotions along with mine.

   "Keep going. Ill try to stopped them!" He growled.

    I did as he was told we had been swimming and swept with the current of the water so we were a good ways out. Not quiet to the other side.

I heard the boat slow and come to a stop i turned around expecting to see Klaus ripping ut to shreds but it wasnt even close enough to my mate.

But what i did see surprised me.

  Luke was there. Standing on the boat smirking at us. He was in some jeans and a dark blue shirt. His blonde hair was swept back.

  "I was sent to help you guys." He said.

     I frowned. "By who?"

  "Not sure. I received a letter by one of the other gaurds saying i needed to steal this boat and go out on the lake. So i did and i just stumpled apon you." He said. He was telling the truth. When luke lies he doesnt dare look at me.

   I looked over at Klaus was trying to calm down but he nodded and i swam over to the boat. I was hauling myself up when luke grabbed my arms and pulled me up.

   I stared up at him and smiled. "What was that about not stealing a thing in you life?" I asked teasingly.

  "Jokes on you i steal things and just dont tell you about it." He teased back.

    "Yeah you still owe me 3 twizzlers and some chocolate covered strawberries." He laughed at me and we heard a grown feom Klaus was hauling himself up on the boat.

  I rolled my eyes at luke then went over to Klaus taking the back pack off his shoulders and touched his face making sure he was okay. Wich he shooed me away instantly.

  "So.. where too?" Luke asked getting behind the wheel.

   "Who said are we werent going to throw you over board and take this boat?" Klaus said. I couldnt tell if he was serious or not.

   "Im not alowing you to that, lucinda saw him helping us. So let him." I told him sternly.

   The adrenaline was pumping threw my system so i was on edge for the next hour.  Klaus had got a blanket from the trunk that this boat had and wrapped it around me. I didnt relize i was shivering. It was more like shaking badly.

  I had to ask myself what did i sign up for.

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