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"We're here" i said softly waking billie up "omg how fun" she squealed. I got off the car and jogged over to her door, I opened it and billie got off "thank you" she said grabbing my hand intertwining our fingers. We walked to the ticket booth and bought our bracelets after arguing over who was gonna pay I finally handed over my money to the kind lady in the booth. "Thank you" I smiled at the lady as we walked away.

"What do you wanna do first babe" i asked looking over at billie who's eyes were glued on the Ferris wheel. "We can save that for last" I said laughing "let's go ride that" she said pointing to a giant hammer like ride my stomach began making flips she clung onto my arm like a child as we walked to the line. We waited for a few minutes then it was finally our turn.

"Are you sure you wanna do this babe?" I asked billie hoping she'd say no "yes baby or what you're too scared?" She laughed "no" I said softly I wanted to run away but she grabbed my hand and ran towards the seats.We buckled up and waited for the rest of the people to get in.

Billie was having the time of her life while I on the other hand was trying not to throw up. The ride finally finished and we got off "that was so cool" billie said jumping up and down a little bit I laughed a bit and continued to walk with her.

"(Y/N)" Billie said softly "yes?" I said "I love you" she kissed my cheek and hugged me. We went on the rest of the night playing and riding the rides. "Babe it's getting late we should probably go to the Ferris wheel before they close it" I said looking and billie who was distracted by the big green frog I had just won her.

"Huh? Oh sorry baby this is just so cute" she said giggling. We got on the cart and buckled ourselves up. The Ferris wheel finally started moving and billie grabbed my hand. "I never thought I would love someone as much as I love you" she said scooting a little coser to me I smiled shyly and looked away.

"hey look at me" she said grabbing my face gently turning it towards her. Suddenly she crashed her pink plump lips on mine we kissed our lips in sync. She pulled away and smiled "god you're the best" I said wrapping my arm around her waiting for us to get to the bottom.

"Thank you for bringing me here baby I had so much fun" billie said wrapping her arms around me. "No problem beautiful" I said as I grabbed her hand and walked towards our car.

What's up lol I'm so sorry if this sucked I'm new to this and well yeah😂😂

Billie Eilish ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now