cheater cheater

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2:35 A.M. I read in my mind as I turned my phone back off. Billie hasn't come back home since 4:00 p.m. and she wasn't answering any of my phone calls or texts so I decided to stay up and wait for her.

I got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I made myself some coffee and sat on the couch. The room was dark and silent and all I kept thinking was if billie was okay. I set my mug on the coffee table in front of me as I heard the door unlock. I walked towards it and saw her small figure appear.

"oh my god where were you" I asked frantically throwing my arms around her neck hugging her. "I was at the studio" she said slowly pulling back. "What's wrong" I asked letting go of her taking a step back. "nothing I'm just tired" she said racing up the stairs.

I walked slowly upstairs and watched her undress from the door that was open enough for me to get a good glimpse of her. I couldn't believe my eyes, there were reddish purple marks on her chest. I slowly walked in with tears in my eyes. "wha-what do you have there bil" I asked lowly tears now running down my face.

Billie quickly tried covering her body, "haven't heard of knocking??" Billie said annoyed "it's my fucking room too and why are you being such a prick, what? You cheat on me then all of a sudden you act like a bitch" I snapped. Billie looked at me with saddened eyes "y/n im sorry" bil said walking towards me. I wiped my tears away "get out" I said softly looking at the ground "what?" billie asked "I said GET OUT" I yelled pointing at the door.

"You can't just do shit like this and expect me not to notice are you seriously fucking stupid?!!" I screamed "get your shit and leave I'll call you an Uber" I said walking towards my nightstand to get my phone. I walked into the restroom and locked myself in it. Hot tears ran down my face again I couldn't help but sob really hard and loud.

After a few minutes of crying in the restroom, billie knocked on the door "y/n im done packing" she said lowly. I threw the door open and took one last look at her. "Goodbye y/n I love you" billie said kissing my cheek as I started crying hard. Next thing I knew, she was out the door.

Billie Eilish ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now