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I woke up to the light peeking through the window. I slowly turned around to see bil fast asleep, some hair strands poking out in every direction possible. "isn't she so beautiful she's all mine" I smiled widely thinking to myself. I pecked her lips lighting and got up.

I walked over to our shared closet and rampaged through my clothes. I finally found some dark skinny jeans with a cute pink pastel off the shoulder shirt. I walked into the restroom and stripped my clothe off. As I was stepping into the shower I saw billie walk in.

"BABY" I yelled quickly covering up what I could. "What's up sexy" bil said in her cute morning voice she rubbed her eyes and pulled herself on to the sink counter. Her eyes roamed all over my body I saw a little smirk forming on her lips. "can you please turn around" I gently say trying to hide a little more but failing. "baby ive already seen all of you naked why are you so shy plus you look so fucking hot what the fuck" billie said crossing her arms resting her back on the mirror.

billie chuckled lightly "baby the whole fucking shower is clear so no matter how much you try to hide I'll still see you" I took my hands off from the parts I was covering and closed the shower door. The tiles were cold on my feet I walked over to the knob and slowly turned on the warm water. I didn't care if she saw me anymore she was right, she HAD seen me butt naked many times before.

I closed my eyes and started washing the shampoo off my hair, I felt cold hands grab my waist. I opened my eyes to find a naked bil smiling at me. I knew what she wanted and I was sure as fuck I was gonna give it to her. "Turn around baby" billie said twirling me lightly her hands still not leaving my waist. The water was hitting my chest, I felt billies lips on my neck as she slowly started kissing me.

Feeling her lips kissing my neck turned me on so much. I threw my head back and closed my eyes enjoying it. Billies hands made their way up to my tits, she cupped them slowly groping them. "Leg up darling" billie whispered in my ear.

I lifted my left leg up and her fingers started rubbing my clit. "fuck" I muttered her fingers now going a little faster "you sound so hot baby moan for me I love it" she said inserting her middle finger into me. She slowly pumped in and out as I pressed my ass on her pussy, i was moaning loudly by this point "fuck just like that baby I want everyone to know who is making you feel this good" billie said shoving her ring finger in me now thrusting in and out really hard.

I couldn't help but scream her name really loud "that's it baby who's making you feel this good" billie said making me scream her name again. She took her fingers out before I could finish, I looked at her with saddened eyes. "Open" billie demanded I quickly opened my legs and she got on her knees. I watched as she licked and sucked me over and over again fingering me making me go crazy.

"I'm-I..FUCK" I yelled as I felt myself cum all over her fingers "that's so fucking hot baby" billie said licking her now cummed fingers. "mmm you taste so good baby" billie got up and kissed me. "now it's your turn baby" I said holding her hand "maybe later, I just wanted to have you for breakfast" billie said winking at me I felt myself turn red "let's finish up showering babe so we can get out of here I wanna take you out" billie said grabbing the soap.

Hi I missed all of you, thank you so much for all of yalls comments you all are so nice and I'm so fucking great full that you all find my writing good❤️ expect more to come from now on❤️

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