1 year anniversary

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This one shot is a girlxgirl one so if you don't feel comfortable with that please don't read🌹

Today was mine and billies 1 year anniversary and I wanted to make it special, I wanted to give myself to her because I loved her so much and I wanted her to be my first. I thought I'd buy some things from the mall before billie got back from her studio session. I quickly got dressed in a plain white tee with some black shorts and black vans and threw my hair in a messy bun.

A few minutes later I arrived at the mall and I made my way to Victoria's Secret. I started looking through all the selections of lingerie until my eyes fell on a black see through bra with a matching thong with a garter belt. I thought it would look perfect with some knee high socks.

I went to the cash register and paid my things. I went into several other stores and bought billie almost everything I saw. It was already 2 hours before billie would be home so I rushed to our shared house and quickly started cooking her favorite meal. After everything was done I ran to our room and laid my lingerie out on our bed.

I took a quick shower then blow dried my hair.
I curled the bottom of my hair then did my makeup. I made sure to go with a dark Smokey eye to match my lingerie with some dark red lipstick. after I was done I walked to our bed and got dressed I pulled on a tight red dress with some black heels. I laid a few rose petals on the bed before lighting a coconut vanilla yankee candle on.

I walked downstairs and set the table. My phone buzzed and I quickly got it from the kitchen counter.
Billie Baby🥑: hey baby I can't wait to see you I'm like 5 min away(;
My heart skipped a beat as I put the final touches on everything.

I heard the door unlock and slowly open. I pretended I was washing my hands until I heard a big thud. "Jesus fucking christ (y/n)" billie said as I turned around. Her eyes wandering all over my body. She walked closer to me and grabbed me by my waist "do I look okay baby" I said with a hint of innocence "fuck you look so hot baby damn you turn me on" she said giving me sloppy kisses on my neck.

"Baby" I moaned softly "mmm" billie hummed into my neck making me feel turned on 100x more. "fuck i want you so bad" billie said and she grabbed my ass squeezing it lightly. "Then have me" I whispered in her ear I walked away knowing billie was looking at me, I made sure I swung my hips a little as I walked upstairs. I heard billies footsteps behind me as I entered our room. I took my heels off and billie spun me around and pressed her lips against mine.

Our make out session got intense really fast "jump" billie said in between a kiss. I obeyed and jumped on her wrapping my legs around her waist. Her hands cupping my ass as she walked us over to our bed. She sat me on the bed and she started taking her oversized hoodie off, I took the chance and started taking my dress off. "Holy shit" billie groaned as she saw the matching lingerie I was wearing.

Billie pulled down her sweats now standing in only her black bra and matching underwear. "shit you look so beautiful (y/n)" she said crawling on top of me. "No baby tonight I wanna make you feel good" I said flipping us over so that I was on top now. I started kissing her neck softly sucking and biting a little making dark red marks apear all over. I heard Billie moaning lowly so I thought I'd move lower.

I started kissing her down to her chest slowly slipping my hands to her back to unclip her bra. I took her bra off slowly and threw it across the room I smiled down at her "you're gorgeous I hope you know that" I said pecking her lips then making my way back down to her chest again. I grabbed her right boob and slowly licked her nipple then sucked on it while massaging her left one. I moved from one to the other earning soft moans from Billie.

"you tease too much baby" billie said sounding frustrated "patience baby" I said going down to her crotch. I spread her legs and kissed the inside of her thighs leaving wet kisses everywhere. I hovered over her crotch as I grabbed the hem of her underwear and slowly pulled it down exposing her.

I threw her underwear on the floor and inches closer to her now wet pussy as I looked up at her never breaking eye contact. Billie whimpered and bucked her hips to try to feel my lips on her but I pressed her hip down with one hand to keep her from moving. I slid my middle finger up her pussy then took it out and sucked on it still looking at billie "you taste so good" I said "you're so wet for me" I said inserting the same finger in her feeling her warmth on my finger "holy fuck" billie moaned arching her back a little.

I started pumping in and out slowly adding another finger. I attached my lips to her clit and started sucking as my fingers started going faster "yes baby mmm fuck" billie said gripping the sheets.  "im gonna cum" billie said bucking her hips "let go baby" I said pumping and licking faster "FUCK" billie screamed "say my name" I said pumping in her and rubbing her clit with my free hand. "Y/N" billie screamed as I felt her warm liquids all over my fingers, I brought them up to my mouth and sucked on them "let me clean you up" I said looking at billie laying limply.

I licked her clean then went up to her and pecked her lips "my turn" she said "fuck all of that teasing bullshit" she said her eyes now a darker shade of blue. She spread my legs and started eating me out, it felt so good I couldn't help but moan out her name loudly. She stuck two fingers in quickly finding my gspot "SHIT SHIT SHIT" I screamed as I felt a tingling sensation at the pit of my stomach.

"Go on baby do it" billie said going faster, I came hard "fuck did you just squirt" billie said chuckling a little I felt my face go red "that's so fucking hot" she said, I sat up and kissed her. "Lay down baby" I said, I grabbed her left leg and lifted it up to my shoulder and I got on her.  "What are you doing" billie said looking confused as to this weird position "you'll see" I said slowly rocking my hips back and forth creating friction between both our pussies. "Ooooo" I moaned loudly as we grinded clit on clit.

"Faster" billie said as she moaned, I started grinding on her faster as I felt our warm liquids mixing together beneath us. Billie bucked her hips grinding at the same speed as me making it even more pleasurable "I'm g-gonna c-c-cum" I said feeling the same tingling sensation "me too" billie said "fuck" I moaned "on three" billie said "one" I moaned loudly "two" I said looking at billie "three" billie threw her head back hitting the pillow behind her and I squeezed my eyes shut riding our orgasm.

I climbed off of her and laid next to her "I love you" I said breathlessly "I love you too" billie said kissing me once more "now let's go take a shower together" she said sitting up grabbing my hand.

Holy fuck how crazy was that lmfao I hope y'all liked it if y'all want more of these feel free to comment to let me know❤️

Side note: I'm sorry if I misspelled some words😂

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