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I walked into school and walked straight to my locker. I heard a very familiar voice as I turned around slowly I saw billie with her arm around some chicks waist. I tried so hard not to drop to my knees and start crying I closed my locker with full force which made everyone's attention go to me but I didn't care I just walked to my class.

The whole day at school was total shit I just couldn't wait to get home. The bell bell ran and I ran out of class. I walked home then I heard my phone buzz in my back pocket.

Bea: hey theres a party tonight at chads I'll pick you up at 8

I rolled my eyes not wanting to go but I knew Billie was gonna be there so I rushed upstairs and started getting ready.

"Damn i look good as fuck" I said checking myself out

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"Damn i look good as fuck" I said checking myself out. I heard my friend honking outside and I quickly walked out not even telling my parents I was leaving.

"Holy fuck y/n are you planning on getting laid or something" bea said laughing "or maybe I'm doing this for revenge" I said cocking my eyebrow at her "let's gooooo" I said putting my seat belt on.

A few minutes later we arrived. People were outside drinking "come on" bea grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside the house. The smell of alcohol hit me and I couldn't wait to start the night. "hey beautiful" a drunk chad said to me "hey fuckboy" I said as I walked away rolling my eyes I didn't know why he was talking to me he never did he was an asshole. I walked to the kitchen to get myself a drink.

I watched as Billie was devouring her new girlfriends face. My heart broke into a million pieces but I had to pull myself together and not let this ruin my night. "I miss her" was all that was replaying in my head as I grabbed a beer from the fridge. They were still making out unbothered. I decided to chug my beer and loosen up a bit.

"YO LETS PLAY A GAME COME ON" chad yelled at the top of his lungs as people cheered and waved their beer in the air. I thought it would be fun so I joined. We were playing beer pong and whoever lost had to take a body shot from the other person. Of course dillon the most popular guy purposely lost but I didn't care I saw Billie in the front watching and I wanted her to see this.

I undid my body suit and slipped it down just enough to expose my bra. Chad came over and placed the shot glass between my boobs everyone was cheering dillon on he came up to me and got his face in between my tits, I made sure I made eye contact with Billie as this was happening. Billie rolled her eyes as I pulled the top of my body suit up.

After a few games I was drunk. I walked upstairs trying to hold my balance everything felt like it was spinning and I didn't know what I was doing. I walked into a room and found Billie sitting alone on the bed crying into her hands. I didn't think to much of it but words started spilling out of my mouth "heyyyyy youreee soooooo preettyyy" i said walked towards her "y/n stop it you're drunk" billie said wiping her tears away "ShHHhh" I said laughing historically.

"we need to get you home" billie said grabbing my arm ‭"don't fucking touch me" I yelled removing my arm from her grip "I know I'm drunk but fuck you" I said looking at billie who's face showed an expression of shock "sto-" I cut her off "don't tell me what to do you hurt me really bad so fuck off" I said as I came back to my senses I felt hot tears run down my face "I'm sorry y/n you know I am" billie said getting closer to me "no get away what you did can never go away billie and that's that go and devour your bitches face again bet that'll make you happy" I said turning around and walking out of the house.

Later that night I received multiple texts and calls from Billie but I just ignored them. I love her so much but she has someone and I know I should move on but she was only making it harder for me to do so. All I could think about was her until darkness came over me and I slipped into a deep sleep.

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