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I walked into my dressing room and threw my bag on the couch, sitting on my vanity with a long sigh. I started curling my hair and pinning them. As soon as I was done I started applying my makeup as fast as I could. I heard someone knock on my door then swing it open "y/n you have twenty minutes and you still need to dress and then stretch" Angelo, the dancers assistant spoke roughly at me "I know Angelo" I softly said as I applied my lipstick with a brush.

 I heard someone knock on my door then swing it open "y/n you have twenty minutes and you still need to dress and then stretch" Angelo, the dancers assistant spoke roughly at me "I know Angelo" I softly said as I applied my lipstick with a brush

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As soon as I put the brush down Angelo dragged me to the costume room. "Here go change now and stretch" Angelo said shooing me out of the room. I raced to my room and quickly put on the tight black crop top that showed the middle of my chest and then I slipped on the black see through skirt that had slots on the side making my thong noticeable.

I stretched as much as I could until Angelo came running in and told me I had 5 minutes to get ready before I was on. I felt sick I haven't performed in so long and I didn't know if I still had it in me. "Good luck" someone from behind me said I quickly turned around and saw cherry my best friend. "Oh my god cherry" I kind of yelled jumping into her arms "what are you doing here" I said holding her a little tighter. "I heard the one and only yn/yln was coming back to perform" cherry said smiling widely "y/n you're on in 2" Angelo yelled from the other side of the club. "I'll be watching" cherry said as she walked away.

"Up next the one and only y/n" Michael the club owner yelled through the microphone. The music started playing and I walked out to the stage and saw the pole in the middle of the stage. My heart was thumping and I just wanted to run off. The audience was cheering me on so it give me a little boost of confidence. I grabbed the pole and slowly slid down then back up again. The audience which was full of mostly men yelled while I slowly came up sticking my ass out. I got on my knees and slowly crawled to the front making sure I made eye contact with men sitting in the front and making sure I shook my ass a little.

Bills started raining over me as I got up and quickly ripped the skirt off my body. "DAMN" I heard a guy yell everyone else joined in. I turned around and squatted down making everyone in the audience have a perfect view of my ass. I got up once more then walked to the pole swinging myself around it. I pulled myself up and spread my legs a little mid air earning more bills to rain on the stage. I walked to the steps and ran down shaking my ass to every other guy in the front row making them tuck in bills in the lining of my thong and top.

"Okay gentlemen that's enough" Michael announced through the mic. I walked back up on stage and the crowd went wild. "Y/n thank you very much I'm so glad to have you back" Michael said I just smiled and hugged him. I went backstage and Angelo stopped me "you did amazing baby by the way someone by the name Billie was asking for you she's in your dressing room" he said smiling. I walked to my dressing room only to find someone sitting on the couch next to my vanity.

She had deep blue eyes and long grayish hair. "Um hi I heard you were asking for me?" I questioned raising an eyebrow. She got up and introduced herself "my name is Billie Eilish" she said "okay and?" I said not interested "I saw the way you danced and I liked it a lot" she said smirking a little "thanks" I said looking down. I saw her feet inching closer and closer to mine then I felt a warm hand on my cheek making me look up "I really want you to be mine" she said inching closer to my face "I'm gonna make you mine" she said looking deep into my eyes her eyes now a bit dark blue as she.....


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