Party pt 2

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-Later that night I received multiple texts and calls from Billie but I just ignored them. I love her so much but she has someone and I know I should move on but she was only making it harder for me to do so. All I could think about was her until darkness came over me and I slipped into a deep sleep.-

I woke up to the sound of shuffling in my room. I quickly sat up and looked at the direction where I heard the noise coming from, everything was dark the only light there was, was from a light post outside. I got up and walked over to my window which was open "what the fuck" I muttered to myself as I closed it. I heard footsteps behind me so I quickly turned around. the stranger walked closer to me I tried making out their face but I couldn't until the light hit their eyes.

Bright blue eyes pierced into mine "billie" I said shocked "what are you doing here" I said walking towards her "I need to talk to you" billie said as she turned around and turned the light on "can't you just be like everyone else and fucking knock or some shit" I said quite annoyed crossing my arms. "I knew that if I just showed up you'd get pissed and wouldn't talk to me" billie said sitting on my bed "that still doesn't give you any fucking reason to just break into my house" I said looking at her "please come sit next to me" billie said patting the space next to her.

I rolled my eyes and sat down. "you know how much you mean to me right?" Billie asked not looking at me "bil" I sighed "if you "loved" me so much you wouldn't have done what you did" my voice trembled a little I could feel myself about to break down "you don't know the complete story tho ma how could you even believe it" billie said looking up "billie are you serious right now don't play stupid with me I walked in on you and" oh no here come the tears I felt my hot tears rushing out I couldn't stop they just kept flowing out "y/n I was on drugs okay?!" Billie kinda yelled "you what" I said standing up still crying

"You told me you didn't do that shit billie" I said wiping my eyes "shit was getting rough between the both of us so I started using coke" more tears rushed down my cheeks "I promise you she meant nothing I was fucked up after that day I realized how fucking stupid I was for doing that" billie said cupping my face "then why were you making out with her at the party" I said sobbing "to make you jealous I thought you would talk to me but you didn't" she said wiping my tears away with her thumbs

"You're so fucking stupid" I said "I know" billie said as she hugged me "I missed you" she whispered all I did was cry on her shoulder as she rubbed my back up and down with her warm hands. "hey look at me" she said I pulled away and looked up, my eyes red and puffy "fuck" billie said as she pressed her lips against mine. The kiss was soft and sweet just like always. Billies hands moved down to my butt as she squeezed it lightly "I missed your cute lil butt" billie said chuckling I hugged her tightly "I love you" I said as I squeezed her a little "I love you too" billie said as she lifted me up and laid me down on my bed

"Is it okay if I crash here for tonight?" Billie asked "yeah as long as we can cuddle" I said pulling the covers over our bodies. I wrapped my arm around her waist and gently rested my head on her chest. I could hear her heart beat, I closed my eyes and fell asleep to her chest slowly rising up and down as she breathed.

Welp that was that😂😂

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