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"are you sure you'll be okay?" Mrs.ashton asked "yes mrs.ashton" I said giving her a small warm smile while grabbing the door knob slowly closing the door "call me if you need anything" she said then I quickly closed the door behind her. I turned around to meet with her 6 year old daughter Rosie's eyes "alright babe whatcha wanna do?" I asked her smiling.

"Can we go play dress up" the little girl said jumping up and down "of course let's go" I said grabbing a hold of her hand then running up the stairs. Her room was full of our laughter, clothes were being thrown everywhere and it was starting to clutter up on her bed. I heard noise coming from downstairs so I quickly asked Rosie to be quiet for a bit.

"Y/n I'm scared" Rosie said clinging onto my leg "shh baby it's gonna be okay" I said as I opened the door a bit "wait right here babe" I said as I stepped out of the room. I walked over to the stairs and peeked down there was four strangers armed with guns they didn't even budge to steal anything so I wondered what they were here for.

"Check every single room" one of them said they all nodded then made their way upstairs. I quickly ran back to Rosie's room and picked her up. I ran into her closet "we need to be very quiet" I said as Rosie nodded her head at me with a very worried face on. We heard the room door knob jiggle then two strangers came in. They checked under the bed but found nothing.

My breath hitched and I was trying my best not to be heard. I hugged Rosie close to me as she buried her face in my chest. "Nothings here" one of them yelled "the house is clear" some girl said from the guest bedroom. they all went back downstairs and we walked out of the closet. I quickly dialed 911 when all of a sudden a girl with long grey hair and piercing blue eyes came out of the next room and saw us.

"Well well well" she said crossing her arms standing her ground. "On your knees now" she said making both Rosie and I drop to our knees. "P-please don't hurt us" I say my voice trembling "shut it" she said while tying our hands and feet. "Why are you doing this" I said my voice cracking "please let us go" Rosie said crying.

My heart broke into millions of pieces hearing her crying. "Please take whatever you want just let us go" I said looking up at the girl "no" she said pointing a gun at Rosie "GUYS" she yelled then a few seconds later the rest of the guys came in the room. One of them chuckled. "Kill them" was all I heard when suddenly I heard a gun shot fire. I squeezed my eyes shut thinking it was gonna hit me but I didn't feel anything.

I opened my eyes slowly then saw a pool of blood coming from the back of me "OH MY GOD ROSIE" I screamed at the top of my lungs feeling my hot tears run down my cheeks "YOU FUCKING BASTARDS" I screamed trying to break free. "You're next" a girl with dark red hair said in the back "FUCK YOU" I said still trying to break loose.

I heard police sirens "YES YES OH MY GOD" I said relieved "fuck" the grey haired girl said "we need to go" the red haired girl said running away with a brown haired guy "COME ON BILLIE" the other guy yelled running away. "billie" I thought to myself. This billie girl was just standing in front of me looking straight through me.

"You shouldn't have done that" she said pulling her gun out pointing it towards me. "Now you'll pay the price" she said pulling the trigger. I felt a very sharp pain on my left side and everything was black. I came to my senses and opened my eyes. All i could see was a paramedic holding a flash light checking my eyes "ma'am" "are you okay ma'am" he questioned moving the flashlight from one eye to the other.

"What happened" I asked not being able to move. "You've been shot" he said "we're gonna get you out of here" he rolled me into a bed with another assistant then I remembered "ROSIE" I yelled "she didn't make it" he said softly I just put my head back and started to cry. Why wasn't I the one to be dead I thought why me she was so young. Hot tears were flowing from my eyes until I started feeling very light headed my eyes began to flutter "ma'am please stay with me" "hello" "can you hear me" "ma'am" was all I heard before everything went black and I couldn't feel anything anymore.

Welp idek why I wrote this lmfaoooo and I'm so sorry if this was too much I just thought it would be something different.

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