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I walked up to the condo where billie and the rest of her crew were at and knocked. I heard noise coming from the other side of the door then the door swung open "Y/N" finneas yelled hugging me tightly "come in come in" he said moving out of the way so i could walk in.

"Y/N" I heard danielle squeal "was up mama" she said hugging me "dani I missed you so much" I exclaimed letting her go, she grabbed my hands "ya boo needs some affection" she whispered in my ear we both bursted in laughter. I went on to greet everyone else then went to sit next to billie.

"bil" I said laying my hand on her thigh she quickly pushed it away which caught me by surprise, she got up and walked to the kitchen. I got up behind her and followed her in. "baby" I said trying to get her attention but failing "billie look at me" I said but still she wouldn't budge. I turned her to face me and crashed my lips on to hers she wasn't kissing me back so I slipped my hand down to her ass and squeezed it gently through her sweats

She gasped which gave me the opportunity to kiss her properly, she started kissing me back her hand grabbed the side of my face to deepen the kiss. "fuck I missed you" I said breathlessly bil jumped on me wrapping her legs around my waist as I sat her on the kitchen counter our make out session getting intense. Billie started taking my shirt off when I stopped her," bil we can't do it not here" I said pulling my shirt back down.

"but I need you so bad" she said trying to kiss me but I pulled back "damn it just because I'm so turned on right now you have to be quiet tho okay?" I said in a hushed tone billie nodded as she jumped down from the counter and pulled her sweats down "fuck" I muttered dropping to my knees. She spread her legs out giving me access to her parts I slowly started kissing her thighs "stop that shit y/n" billie said growing annoyed I tugged her underwear down "we have to be quick" I said attaching my lips to her clit. I ate her out like never before and she came, I licked her clean then slid her underwear back on billie was still trying to recover from what just happened. I slid her sweats up then came up to meet her beautiful blue eyes

"You okay?" I asked laughing a bit "yeah come on before they get suspicious" she said grabbing my hand. we walked into the living room and everyone was silent "shit y/n you really do know what you're doing" finneas said making everyone laugh I felt my face turn red I looked over at billie and she was just as red as I was "guys shut up at least one of us is getting some" she said sitting down on the couch now slightly annoyed. I sat next to her and put my arm around her "I love you" I said pecking the top of her head "I love you too" she said fiddling with her hands.

Billie Eilish ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now