Killer pt 2

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I started feeling very light headed my eyes began to flutter "ma'am please stay with me" "hello" "can you hear me" "ma'am" was all I heard before everything went black and I couldn't feel anything anymore.

I heard beeping sounds all over the room, I slowly opened my eyes and I saw a white ceiling I quickly sat up only to feel a sharp pain shoot up my arm. I looked down and saw a needle in my forearm "oh my god she's awake" I heard someone gasp I quickly turned and saw my mom.

Her eyes filled with tears she stood up and hugged me "mom what happened why does my shoulder hurt" I said gripping my moms arm almost looking desperate. "baby you were shot twice" my mom said slowly running her hands through my hair. I couldn't remember much but I tried not to think of it too often.

- later on-

i ate a little bit of dinner that my mom went and bought me them just left the rest there, I wasn't really hungry so i turned on the tv and started watching friends. i started feeling my eyes really heavy so i decided to sleep a little. I could hear the nurses coming in and out of my room checking up on me every now and then but it didn't faze me.

i felt a light tap on my shoulder and I shot my eyes open only to find a nurse with big green eyes and blonde hair "y/n your mom said she'd be back in a bit she went to go shower oh and someone's here to see you" she looked towards the door and walked out I sat up and quickly turned over to where the person was standing.

Long grey hair, and deep blue eyes.."y-you" I managed to choke out "hey its okay im here to talk to you" the grey haired girl said walking closer to me "don't why are you even here look what you did this is your fault" I said getting up from the bed "sit back down I don't think that's good for you" she said looking somewhat concerned.

"Since when do you know what's good for me I don't even know you, you shot me you psycho bitch" I spat "can we please just talk" she said sitting on the edge of my bed "please sit down I promise i won't do anything" she said once again, patting the bed.

I sat down cautiously "speak" I said sternly "my name is billie" the girl said with a warm smile "I came by to check on you to see if you were okay" she said looking down. I huffed "does it look like I'm okay" I said with a bitchy tone "you're right, I'm terribly sorry for shooting you I just wanted to fit in" her voice cracked a little and I could hear regret in her voice.

was it bad that I actually felt bad for her? "listen it's okay im still alive and that's what matters" I said looking at her direction. "But the little gurl isn't" she quickly said I saw tears rolling down her cheeks. "You didn't do that billie" I placed my hand on hers "it's okay"

"when do you get out of here?" Billie asked wiping her tears away "not sure, why?" I ask concerned "please don't tell anyone that it was me I want to make it up to you before I get locked up" she said standing up. I followed her to the door "here" she said handing me over a piece of paper "it's my number text me when you're out" she said kissing my forehead then leaving the room.

"does she really think taking me out is gonna solve anything" I mumbled under my breath. I ripped the paper in pieces and threw it away. I heard a knock at the door and I walked over to it only to find police officers "y/n we have caught the person who shot you" one of the officers said I looked behind him and sure enough there she was...grey hair and blue eyes handcuffed getting walked to the elevator.

I closed the door and walked back to my bed thinking what the fuck had just happened.

Hi babes sorry if this was short and not good, ive gotten a lot of requests and stuff and I'm sorry if I take long on those, I'm busy with school and since I'm graduating this year I have to keep my grades up but again I'm terribly sorry if I'm taking long, I'm trying my best

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