Cheater cheater part 2

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I threw the door open and took one last look at her. "Goodbye y/n I love you" billie said kissing my cheek as I started crying hard. Next thing I knew, she was out the door.

I walked over to my window quickly and looked out to see billie sitting on the sidewalk waiting for her Uber, my heart ached really bad and my head was thumping. "I love her so much" was all I kept saying to myself. I paced back and forth in my room lightly pulling on my hair trying to think.

I threw my door open and ran out to the front yard. "billie" I yelled making her look back at me. Billie quickly got up and walked fast towards me. "Bil I fucking love you so much" I said looking up at her. "(Y/N) I love you too trust me" billie said with saddened eyes. I grabbed her shirt collar and lightly pulled on it to make her come down to the level I was "don't leave me" I whispered as tears rolled down my cheeks. Billie crashed her lips onto mine.

"I will never leave you" billie said hugging me tightly. The scent of her perfume filled my nose as I hugged her back tightly not wanting to let go. "here let's go back inside it's getting a little chilly out here" Billie said grabbing her stuff.

We sat on the couch and looked at each other for a few minutes. "you're beautiful" billie said breaking the silence. I looked down at my fingers and smiled shyly "thank you" I said lowly. I felt billie sit closer to me and one of her fingers slipped under my chin pulling my face upwards. "look at me baby" Billie said sweetly.

"yep beautiful as ever" billie said smiling. god her smile was so beautiful it would make me feel so warm inside I could watch her smile all day. I could feel myself growing ver sleepy, I layes on billies lap as she played with my hair making me feel very relaxed. "I love you" I said closing my eyes "I love you most" Billie said kissing my forehead as I went into a deep sleep.

hi babes!! im sorry it's been forever, I have a lot of news...I got engaged to my girlfriend in April then I graduated high school in May and I've just been taking time off  to focus on college and work but I'm trying to get back on writing for you all❤️ sorry this was short I had left this in my draft since April lol

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