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"Babe are you ready?" I yelled at billie who was getting dressed upstairs. "coming" I heard her say before hearing loud footsteps coming downstairs. "woah" I said as I saw her in a black one piece bathing suit. I couldn't take my eyes off her. "I should be the one saying that" she said laughing walking towards me. "You look amazing baby" I said pecking her lips.

"let's go" billie said picking her towel up from the chair. We walked out of our shared apartment and walked towards the pool. "Let's go put our things over there" billie said pointing at a table to the far right. There was a huge tree where the table was set so it gave just the right amount of shade. We placed all our belongings on the table then walked over to the pool.

No one was there so we had the whole pool to ourselves. I walked over to the steps and slowly stepped down into the pool. I didn't see billie until I looked at the other end of the pool "bil-" I said as billie plunged into the pool splashing water everywhere. I laughed and walked into the pool. Billie came up and laughed "that was so cool" she said laughing hard. "You could've gotten hurt bil" I said swimming towards her. "But I'm still alive" she said winking then laughing "shut up" I said splashing water at her "heeeeyyyy" she said like a little girl "no fair" she said splashing more water at me.

after a while of splashing each other we finally got tired and got out of the pool. We walked over to the table and just sat there enjoying the cool breeze drying us off. "hey y/n" billie said sternly "yes?" I questioned looking at her fiddling with her hair. "thank you" she said looking down "for what?" I asked "for staying with me no matter how stubborn I could be and stuff" she said with a small chuckle before looking at me. I got up and walked over to where she was sitting. I hugged her from behind "you know that I love you so much and I would do anything to keep you happy if anything I should be the one thanking you for making me so god damn happy baby" I said kissing her cheek, I saw her smiling which made me feel so happy.

I knew she didn't like smiling but some how I could always make her smile, it made my whole day just seeing her laugh and be genuinely happy. I stepped back and faced her. "This is the girl I love with all my heart" I thought examining her beautiful face. Billie just looked at me confused "what" she said making a weird face. "Nothing baby you're just so god damn gorgeous" I said smiling she just rolled her eyes and laughed "yeah you always tell me that" she said looking up at me "because it's true" I said "now do you wanna go get some frozen yogurt?" I asked putting my hand out for her to grab. She looked at me and smiled "last one to the apartment pays" she said bolting to the pool gates laughing loudly "hey that's not fair" I said still dumb founded. I ran out the gates and followed billie into our apartment.

"Ha you lost" she said while unlocking our apartment. We stepped in and billie grabbed my face and kissed me "ew you taste like pool water" she said gagging "excuse you" I said laughing "come on let's go shower babe" she said yanking me into the shower.

Sorry this was so short guys I'll try to make them longer💕

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