Walked in on

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"Good luck baby" i kissed billies cheek as she ran to the big, wide stage. I sang along to all of her songs and watched as the crowd jumped up and down in sync this still blew my mind. Billie looked really happy to be on stage it's where she belonged. Three hours passed and finally the show was over "thank you I love each and every single one of you" billie said through the mic she ran across the stage touching her supporters hands until she came running back stage.

"Holy shit that was amazing" she said panting "you did great baby" I said handing her and finneas a bottle of water each. I sat on a big black couch that was there and soon billie came and sat on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her waist and just laid my head against her back "baby I'm a little sweaty" billie breaking free from my hug. She turned around and straddled me "this looks so wrong" I said laughing "and I don't give two fucks" billie said planting a kiss on my lips.

Our kiss deepened a little and billie seemed unfazed by the fact we were making out in front of everyone "alright you two get a room" we heard billies dad laughing billie pulled away and laid her forehead on mine and laughed "that's so embarrassing" I said feeling myself turn red billie lifted herself off of me and stood up. "Where are we going to now?" Billie asked "well what do you want to do?" Maggie asked sitting next to me "I don't know I'm actually really tired right now I just want to lay down" billie said looking down.

"You and y/n go back to the bus and get some rest" maggie said smiling warmly "okay mom if you need anything just call me" billie said hugging her mom. I stood up and followed billie in the bus. We sat on the long couch and I rested my head against billies shoulder. I heard a loud sigh coming from her I knew how stressed she was with this whole tour and she could definitely use a break. I lifted myself up and straddled her "baby" I said cupping her face "mmm" billie kind of moaned out as she put her hands on my ass.

"I know this tour is stressing you out" I said kissing her neck "so I wanted" I said before starting to kiss her neck once again "to do something so you could relax" I said as I kissed up her neck then looked into her eyes. Billie grabbed my face and we started to make out. I could feel myself getting turned on by the minute and I felt myself tingling. I started to rock my hips trying to gain some friction between Billie and I. Billie moaned into the kiss and it turned me on even more "you're dripping baby I could feel you" billie said with a small chuckle.

I lifted myself up and looked down "fuck" I mumbled at the small wet spot on billies grey sweats "that's fuckin hot" billie said biting her lip. Billie laid me down and got on top of me she started groping my tits squeezing them lightly through my shirt. "This needs to go" billie said lifting my shirt up and un clipping my bra. I took billies hoodie off from her then took her bra off and threw it across the bus. I stared at her for a few seconds "so beautiful" I said sitting up a bit more.

Billie spread my legs and got between them "you turn me on so much" billie said attaching her lips to my right nipple I moaned as she massaged my other tit. "Bil I wanted to do this to you you're the one that needs it" I said through soft moans "it's okay baby I'm good as long as I get to taste you" billie said sucking a little harder. I managed to get on top of her "let's take these off now" I said sliding her grey sweats down her legs. I opened her legs and moved her black underwear to the side. I stuck a finger in slowly pumping it in and out earning a groan from billie. I added another finger and picked up my pace placing my lips on her wet pussy.

"F-fuck that feels amazing" billie moaned. "BIL-" we heard finneas walk into the bus "OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY" he quickly apologized "LEAVE NOW" billie yelled covering herself up with a pillow "OH MY GOD" fin said running out of the bus. I stood up and grabbed my bra and put it back on including my shirt "fuck man they always gotta ruin something" billie said sitting up sounding annoyed "it's okay baby I guess we'll have to wait" I said handing over her clothes. Billie got dressed then went to her bunk, me following her.

"I love you" billie said kissing my forehead "me too" I said hugging her. We ended up watching shark tail, billies favorite movie until she fell asleep next to me. I love this girl with everything I got I thought to myself. I gently kissed her on her forehead and turned the tv on, closing my eyes.

I'm dead😂😂

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