Chapter 1

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I never liked older guys. They have a mindset that are way too advanced for us younger girls, and they have these flaws that we can't help but to see as sexy and perfect. They also have been through every and any situation and can weasel out of anything and by that time, they're just fucking perfect with what they do.

Falling in love with an older guy is like falling on a bed of nails. Once you fall, you get hurt and you get stuck in the situation. But then you can't help it to lay there, hoping someone comes and helps you up, eventually saving you from the pain.

More importantly, hoping its him.


"Positive." I whisper and stare at my best friend. I place the pregnancy test down and cover my ears, preparing for the outburst to be released... and she lets it all out.

All I can see is her brown eyes bloodshot and her mouth open widely as she screams angrily. Once I feel its safe, I let go of my ears and tune in her sobs.

The worst part is over now.

She buries her face in her hands and sobs.

"I fucking hate him, Aaliyah. He did this on purpose."

I play my role as the best friend and wrap my arms around her as she sobs a long line of profanities.

Let me briefly run down our situation...

Bianca is my best friend and we've been friends since 6th grade. In our freshman year, she started seeing this guy named Devante, he was a senior at the time. He graduated, but he still managed to come back and visit her every chance he could get. After proving himself to be loyal, he had Bianca wrapped around his finger.

Soon, he started coming around less and less until he was just a voice we only ever heard over the phone. He still had Bianca thinking he was in love with her. Now we're finishing up our senior year and he's graduated out of college, but only for us to find out that he's been living two seperate lives.

He has had a girlfriend he's been with for months over at his University.

The problem here is that he visited Bianca a few weeks ago before she discovered he was a cheater, and they had sex. Unfortunately it was the spur of the moment type of sex and protection was forgotten. Now Bianca is pregnant with her older ex-boyfriend's baby that he has no clue about.

Oh, and he just broke up with her.

Damn her life would make a good reality show.

Bianca pulls away from the hug and stands up from the closed toilet seat. She fixes her appearance in the mirror and sniffles while her head shakes.

"Never go for older guys, Liyah. They take what they want, say what they want, do what they want and vanish. I'm not saying this cause I was just dumped, but I'm saying this cause you're like my sister and I care about you. Stay away from them, they're no good."

I stare at her blankly as she picks up her pregnancy test and flings open her bathroom door, leaving me to think about things, more importantly leaving me to think about someone.

Michael Jackson.

I don't have a crush on him or anything, but he's this older guy I know because of Bianca. He's best friends with Devante, but one difference is that he never went to our school and he still doesn't. He's this kid at heart that hangs around town and has his own apartment on the bad side of town. Him and Devante use to share it, but Devante went off to University while Michael stayed here. Bianca still thinks he stayed behind for me.

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