Chapter 12

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I thought tonight would be a good night to go walk and get myself a sundae from the ice cream parlor from around the corner. It's popular in this town, so I'm not worried about going alone, there will be plenty of people there as witnesses in case some shit goes down. I grab a ten dollar bill and shove it into my shorts pocket of my overalls as I finally changed out of Rashad's too big clothes and into my own. I walk out my front door and start my journey to the ice cream parlor, all the while the little information Michael gave me about himself today is invading my mind. He doesn't have a good relationship with his dad? Well that makes two of us and something we have in common, and maybe I can lure him with that.

Use it to my advantage because I absolutely cannot lose this bet.

I let out a deep breath and smiled as chattering of people start becoming more noticeable as I near the parlor. I glance across the street to see cars parked up and down the curbs and people running to and from the parlor while cars have to wait, but it's always like this down here and I enjoy it. It makes everything in my life feel natural for once. I remember when my mom and dad would bring me and Rashad here. We'd go running across the street before them and they'd about die of heart attacks.

I laugh at the memory and ignore the painful sting that's creating in my chest. I feel like more and more everyday I'm forgetting how to feel. I'm forgetting how to love and it worries me that I've allowed myself to become this broken. A small sigh escapes my mouth as I cross the street to the parlor and stand in line. I glare as at a few outside tables away is that Ola girl from the arcade during me and Michael's shit date. She's animatedly talking about something to another girl and my stomach drops as our eyes lock, she says something, which is probably my name, and then the other girl turns around revealing a fucked up face.


She doesn't do anything much to my surprise, but only because the Ola girl, placed her hand on Mya's arm and a smirk forms on her lips while telling her something. They burst into laughter and Ola waves at me, but I rolled my eyes and turn around and step up to the window as I'm next to order.

"A cookies and cream sundae please." I say loudly and the lady smiled at me.

"That be three dollars and eighty-three cents." I dig into my back pocket and jump as a long muscular arm extends out, holding a twenty dollar bill. The lady accepts and I look up and over my shoulder, roll my eyes then turn around and walk away. I cross my arms angrily and halt as I obviously want my goddamn ice cream. After a few minutes, that arm extends back around me, holding my ice cream. I look up.

"Thanks, now bye-"

"C'mon babygirl. How about since I paid for your ice cream, you take a walk with me around town and we can talk things out." He suggests and because he still has my plastic spoon, preventing me from taking off, I roll my eyes and hold out my hand.

"Fine..." I groan and he grins, handing me my spoon then waves me towards the sidewalk, the opposite way from my house.

Where I'm wishing I never left this evening...

I look up to see the sky a beautiful orange- purple color, while the sun is setting. I unwrapped my spoon from the wrapper and I take a spoonful of my sundae and listen to Xavier.

"How you been these last two years?" He asked. I throw on a fake smile.

"Perfect." I say blandly and he sighs.

"Don't be like that, Aaliyah. I want us to try and clear the air. Put everything behind us and get rid of all the bullshit from the past." He says and I look up at him to see he's already looking at me. I shrug.

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