Chapter 6

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It's been three months since Bianca got busted at the abortion clinic and got pissed at me for telling Devante. I tried to explain to her that I was sorry and that Devante's a fucking manipulator, but she just told me to let it go and let it be.

Apparently she doesn't care, but I'm starting to think differently.

Her and Devante have this weird relationship now. Devante told me and Michael that he's apologized constantly and asked her to be his girlfriend again, but she always turn him down and ignore his attempts to do better. I guess I can understand why she's holding a grudge but then again, it's been like two months and Devante still comes to our school everyday and pick her up to hangout.

Bianca is livid with him, especially because of the fact that he refused and still refuses to let her get an abortion. So she's even more annoyed that's she's going on four months and starting to show. Devante always look like a lost puppy when he's with her. Longing to touch and hold her, but she doesn't ever let him do that.

"Bianca, I bought this pillow for you. My uh... my mom said that it helps pregnant women sleep comfortably at night or whatever. So uh... it's yours now." He mutters. His hand is clenched around a worm like pillow and Bianca looks up from her phone and widens her eyes at him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Devante?" She hisses and snatches the pillow from him. Her eyes dart around nervously.

"People don't know I'm... you know." She mutters and I sigh softly and shoot Michael a look as he's giving me the same one back. We're basically back on friendly terms again so it's not awkward as it use to be. Devante's eyes darken.

"Just say it. Why is it so hard for you to say it-"

"Because I don't want to be it!" She snaps and that's enough for Devante. He smirks and turns around, facing the parking lot full of high schoolers and shouts loudly.


People stop and stare, gawking at Bianca and her face expression is an complete shock. Her eyes wide as hell and her mouth dropped open. Suddenly, her eyes glisten and tears start to fall from her eyes.

"Why would you do that, Devante!? Now the rest of my senior year is going to fucking blow because of you and this fucking MISTAKE!" She screams loudly on the last word and then lift the pillow up Devante gave her and starts hitting him with it. Sobs fall out of her mouth sadly and Devante just blinks rapidly as she keeps hitting him. When she finishes, she turns around and stomps to her car right beside Devante's.

"Liyah, are you coming?" She hiccups and I nod glumly.

"I'll see y'all later." I murmur.

I slump down into the car and go to close the door, but a hand shoots out and stops me from closing it. I look up and widen my eyes as Michael is looking at me passively. He seems to be thinking before he clears his throat and smiled at me.

"Would you like to hang out later on?" He asks calmly and I'm taken aback.

Since the New Years incident we haven't really been, well, flirting as much as we use to, so him asking me out basically is kind of surprising and strange. I suddenly find my voice and surprise myself when I nod my head and squeak out a small "Yeah."

Michael's expression is one of complete shock and Devante is also in the back, looking at us in confusion. Michael smooths his expression and grins.

"Great, I'll call you around 6. Be ready." He says and then turns, walking to Devante's car. Devante gives me a skeptical look and I widen my eyes at him, then he walks to the driver's side of his car, gets in and speeds off. I close my door and Bianca starts the car while scoffing.

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