Chapter 2

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I can't endure these types of situations, especially these types of fucked up situations where it includes two people with the names of Bianca and Devante...

"Don't you dare answer it, Aaliyah." Bianca growls at me from my bed. My eyes widen at my iPhone screen as Devante's name flashes on it. How badly I want to answer it and tell him the coordinates and location of where Bianca is right now, just so I can end this nightmare for myself, but of course I have to side with my best friend.

She knows best... most of the time.

"Bianca..." I take a breather as my phone stops ringing.

"Please just answer his call, reply to his text messages or something! It's driving me crazy!" I exclaim fervently, actually dying from this ordeal. She seems to be less stressed about it though as she's laying on her back, devouring the last of my Nutella. After licking her finger clean, she scoffs.

"Why should I? I just realized that he's the cheater, not me. We were happy before he decided to get 'bored' with me and move on to the next girl. I shouldn't- no, I don't have to answer him at all. Once a cheater always a cheater, I now know that shit is true."

Her eyebrows furrows aggressively on her face as she looks to be angry, but also concentrating on getting the Nutella at the bottom without having to go and get a spoon from the kitchen.

"Maybe, but I seriously think you need to talk it out. Honestly, I think Devante is just afraid of how serious you were starting to mean to him and he just stopped it because his feelings were scaring hi-"

"Bullshit! Devante doesn't get all mushy like that! He would tell me if I made things too serious for him or if I started to get too clingy to the point where it bothered him. We had communication, Liyah. He's just stupid as hell!" She exclaims while throwing herself back onto my bed. I watch as she rolls over and buried her face into my mattress while groaning loudly about how much she stupidly loves him.

My mind starts boggling about their situation and my predictions. Devante will keep trying to talk to her, but he'll eventually give up and Bianca won't care anymore. She'll hide this pregnancy until she delivers the baby and then she'll either give it away and keep having a baby with him a secret or she'll keep the baby and continue to lie to him.

Everything's just fucked up right now.

I let out a deep breath and lean back in my chair while closing my eyes. "I think you should tell him about the baby, Bianca."

The room falls deathly silent so I know she heard me by how quiet it got. I can't even hear her breathing anymore. When I open my eyes to look at her and sit up, she's hypnotically rubbing her hand over her completely flat stomach. Her face shows no kind of emotion.

"No." She says simply. I open my mouth to argue, but she rolls over onto her side and looks at me with watery eyes.

"For what? So he can pity me and come back because of it? I don't want that. I want him to come back because he loves me. I'm not the type of girl to do these types of things to trap my man in a relationship. Maybe... I should just get an abortion." She whispers deathly low and the word makes my ears ring.

Abortion? As in a procedure that will suck the living thing out of her stomach, killing it?"

"You've lost your fucking mind, Bianca." I whisper. Her eyes start to drip tears.

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