Chapter 3

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The things I hear my dad say to me is something no one should ever have to hear from their parent.

Tears roll down my cheeks as I lay in my bed and just rethink about the argument me and my dad had not too long ago. I don't understand why he takes his pain of losing mom out on me. I mean, he's obviously the reason why we don't have a good relationship. And not to mention that he's the reason my brother left home and hasn't been back in 3 years.

But that's another story.

I push myself off my bed just to answer my phone that's ringing and I feel I already know who it is and I am of course right. I press the green accept button on the screen and place the phone to my ear.

"Hey, how are you?" I ask, already knowing the answer, but I still ask anyway. I can hear the stuffiness in her voice that indicates she's indeed been crying still since she left a few hours ago.

Bianca sucks in a huge breath. "Embarrassed as hell. Don't worry, I won't be for long though. I made an appointment at the clinic, but though it's the New Year holiday tomorrow I won't be able to get in until the end of the month. They're really busy." She whispers softly and the thought of an abortion clinic being a month busy, absolutely sickens me.

I don't see how people can just do that.

"That's really sad." I honestly admit and Bianca groans.

"I don't need shit right now, Aaliyah. I just need to not have this baby growing inside of me, that unfortunately happens to have mine and Devante's fucking DNA stamped all over it. Okay? You will stand good on your promise still, right? Please tell me you can keep a secret until the 31st?" She asks and although I nod my head and whisper yes like the good and loyal friend I am. I want to start a fucking riot and blow up the crazy in Bianca's mind.

Absolutely fucking not! It's absurd and I object and declare you to put Devante in his place and tell him the truth. I mean... every bad boy has a soft spot.

I think Bianca's failing to realize she's Devante's. Her relieved voice seeps through the speaker.

"Thank you. You're honestly the best. I love you so much and I can't wait until we graduate. This New Year tomorrow is seriously going to be a new year and a new us-"

"Isn't that the same shit everyone says to convince themselves they're doing big things when they're in fact not doing shit?" I ask with a hint of a giggle and when she laughs, I laugh along with her.

"Yeah it is, but we're going to. I can feel it." She whispers gently and it tugs at my heart as I realize she's wanting to start the New Year without it including Devante DeGrate.

Damn that's almost a near impossible New Year Resolution.


"So I was literally about to break Mya's face today. I swear she's such a bitch. She thinks she's the shit cause she's older than us. That shit doesn't even count like who does that!?" Bianca snaps on and on about the school's bitch Mya Harrison. She does indeed thinks she's the shit though. Thank God I haven't had any problems with her, but her and Bianca argue like cats and dogs.

And it had everything to do with Devante.

Bianca had him when Mya wanted him and she despised Bianca for that. So that's when their rivalry was declared and ever since, I have been the mediator stuck in the middle, having to hear them both go at each other. Of course I hear Bianca more than Mya, but I shouldn't have to go too much into detail about that.

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